well at current technological levels its not possible to make a fantasy game with a "matrix" like world that has its own rules and changes over time, it would be awesome but today's PCs just lack the power and memory to hold the amazing amount of data that will result from such a "smart" game. because the game will keep creating new things, new quests to solve, new monsters to kill, new items/spells/abilities to use, it would be the holy grail of replayabitity but as I said 1 gb after another of new "stuff" will eventually make the PC explode

, and viruses are bound to come up as well.
I wish it would be possible now, but its not, until quantum processors are commercial we will be stuck with "limits"

but do not despair the future of PCs is great so cheer up and i hope we all live to see it.
I think there is more power than realized in today's hardware. What it takes is focused development time and talent. This is actually a matter of the other thread, procedurally created content. This means you can create unlimited detail and variety from codes that will take no disc space compared to actual image files.
This demo is an example of that:
haha, i kinda feel the same way. There are so many limits to content and games, but sometimes I'm not really sure what those limits are. An uncompressed version of RAGE was 1 terabyte in size. Compressed its likely going to be around 12-15 gb, so while I think its not possible atm, it certainly seems that this type of content is imminent...possibly next generation. A blue ray disc can hold 50 gb of data, so a game that would take this type of memory (and I'll only go into memory since other specifics are far more complicated) would likely be 5 terabytes of uncompressed data. Surely that could be compressed onto a blue ray disc, although that would take like 8 dvds. I think we are certainly on the verge of this happening within the next 10 years. Koreans can create a near android robot, so this is certainly plausible for next gen systems.
Also try to remember that compressing files gets easier after so many gegabytes (I think 20), so the more terabytes you get to compress, the amount of space it would take gets proportionatly smaller...pending of course your operating system and cpu/gpu efficiancy.
There is a misconception regarding RAGE's megatexture. RAGE doesn't compress 1 terabytes of data into 15 GB exactly. The detail achieved in RAGE would take 1 terabytes of image files if it was done with current techniques. It is like photoshop which you can have many layers and each layer can be a 20 MB image file in their own which would make a 50 layers photoshop file exceed 1 GB. But when you flattened it, it will become a 20 MB image file. In MT, the whole level is one 64000x64000 file which is 11 GBs itself with jpeg style compressions(available to everyone) can be compressed to 2-3 GBs. It is not a compression algorithm in core. It is a streaming algorithm, there is a giant image file for covering every cell and it is streamed with ridiculously small memory usage with high quality projection.
In Morrowind/MGE we use a max of 8192x8192 file for whole Vvardenfel. It looks like [censored] even from high above. With upcoming Tamriel Rebuilt, Cyrodiil, Skyrim mods, a MEGATEXTURE like tech will be needed. Good luck for MGE devs with that.

Obviously, the first thing is that the world has to be malleable. I can't change the land with magic or development, I can't acquire followers if there's a small number of NPC's with very specific roles. I can kill all the egg miners in Morrowind or strip farms clean in Morrowind and won't have any impact on the economy or anything else. Just as important is AI. If the world is to "change", the AI has to be able to react with it, instead of hitting a wall and imploding. I think this is what they were trying to do but had to cancel with Radiant AI, and I'm hoping they've kept working on it behind the scenes instead of deciding to just stick with intelligence-mimicking schedules. If a house burns down, the AI needs to find a new place to live, rebuild, save up money, instead of just standing where it used to be all night. The more complex the AI behavior, the more ways I the player have to interact with them. A truly evolving/living world would of course require more complexity in just about all other areas, which I could (and have in the past more than once) go into long rambles about, but I think the AI is most important. If the world doesn't understand how to react to change, there won't be any change. Just me doing something and pretending it mattered.
I think some seasonal changes and procedural content will be nice but what's important is AI. It doesn't have to be some matrix like AI. It should be a system where everything change something.
If my PC walks around naked all NPCs know my situation and some react with dialog. Why stop there!
Take a look at the amazing greetings/dialog box of TES construction set:
You see the conditions and result boxes. You can make anything with them. They support many basic things about the game world and they can be expanded by scripts. I would make some of greetings unspoken which would make them
And I would create all kinds of conditions and results. Totally random.
condition: if PC wears a red shirt
result: NPC wants to eat some cheese, disposition towards females increase by 10. Strength lowered by 5.
condition: if PC has no blunt weapon
result: NPC wants go to Arena, disposition toward faction fighters guild members increased by 10.
condition: if PC makes a terrible joke ten times
result: NPC decides to kill some guards. Intelligence lowered by 35.
and some that makes sense:
condition: if PC is sick
condition: if PC NPC same faction
condition: if PC NPC same race
result: NPC cast heal spell on PC, other faction members around from rival races lower their disposition by 20 on healer and PC.
condition: if NPC caughts PC stealing for the third time
result: NPC decides to join fighters guild.
all with some randomness and luck.
How ridiculous it seems this is what AI is. Our subconsciouses reacting in unpredictable ways to our environment. This is why I want to bind this to NPC greetings. I think PC going around the world changing everything about NPCs would create a dynamic world. The system is there if utilized the game world will have a changing state created by player walking around. Every little bit will change some small thing creating a big picture constantly changing. After some play time the world would turn into a chaos state but I don't think it is a bad thing. Our games can gain its own consciousness.