We're at Dawn of the release of the most wanted New Vegas, the great Overhaul Mods are making their final Major Release. And thanx god we still see some great mod's beign released, i think that it will be wonderfull if someone tries to make a great overhaul that works alongside with FWE, WKM, MMM and that compilate the mods that add fun, realism and immersion to the game, and makes them all work together (of course with the permission of their respective creators)....I also included some idea of mine if some modders are interessed....
here's short list of the Mods that in my humble opinion deserve to be MUST HAVE mods, and some projects that deserve not to die or be forgotten (My Ideas for mods are let to the last):
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6044 by MauTheCrusher
One of my favorit its adds differents NPCs that travel that waste, some ask you to escort them, others attack you or steal your some items. This mod is wonderful cause its make the Waste Crowned so you feel that you're not the only adventurer.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9497 by sesom
This one is a great overhaul for slavery, insteed of just capturing a slave and send it to Paradise fall, with this mod stay with you so you'll have to take care of them, train them and fight for their life.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8707 by
An Immersive and Intelligent Mod, with it you can infiltrate some faction by wearing their uniforms and of course they'll reacte properly to what you're doing and other parameters.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5424 by Sin
Adds a multitude of interesting apparels that help you coustomizing your character.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13810 by Oppaiko
I personnaly don't think that nudism philosophy is the great care for wastelanders but this mod is a great one 'cause the more the character is naked the more he become familiar with his condition so he gains some agility and speeds bonus.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14208 by Povuholo
With this mod NPCs finally react to what you're doing, if you're naked NPCs react properly to that so some get nervous other laugh of you .... this mod fits very well to the Naked Gun's Mod
- Ghoulification/Ghouled
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3160: by Highsight
http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1820: by James G
This Two Mods treats the theme of ghoulification so you character can turn into a ghoul after a long exposure to rads. (see foreward for my idea about that)
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4318 By Ophryon
A Book lover ? this mod is for you, the Pre-War Book now have titles and the character can reads them.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=712by The Talkie Toaster
A Wonderful mod for Robot's Lovers, with this mod you can raise defeated robot to serve you, you can also change their weapon as its please you.
- http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1903 by Kiwi and the CotW Team
One of The Most Ambitious mod i saw, its enhanche children condition through the waste, you can play with a child but don't fear the story will be adapted to fits with your age, adds children to the waste, they're not immune to death, so they can fight for survival.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14354 You by sesom
A realy fun mod, get bored of the way you character sleeps? this mod is for you, while sleeping you'll see everything around your character there might be some unlucky encounters while sleeping in the waste, as you can have dream sequences.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1610 by Talkie Toaster
This mod is for those who like to incarnate a ranger or druid like character, now with this mod the player can tame wild animals and make of them his best servants.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14348 by otm
A Mod that adds some intelligence to the Wasteland, now NPCs can fear properly taking in consideration some parameters, so a lonely raider cannot just come and fight you when you're wearing a power armour, NPCs know now when they got not chance to kill you that its better to flee.
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4501by AndyW1384
Adds a Rideable Hoverchair to the game, so the lonely wanderer can ride and equipe it with miniguns flamers and other weapons!! a very fun mod!
Now its time for my Ideas:
this is some ideas I got, some treats subjects such as slavery, enhanchement of some races such as androids and ghouls, while other is for add/change some aspects of the game.
Note that some are just suggestions for other mods:
Something About Some Muties
Get tired of just killing hordes of mighty supermutants and miserable feral ghouls? well, probably yes, so much pain for less gain ... but what if you could enslave them? well this is what this idea is about, giving us the possibility to enslave ferals and supermuties tis meant to work alongside with the great slavery overahaul mod FNNCQ. i think that enslaving this two muties will make the slavery less monotonious, fun, dangerous and challenging, .... imagine that you stick up with a supermutant who can turns against you at any moment and slowly you educate him until he'll become you most trustfull servant.
Another Thing, what about having the possibility to loot Supermutant's and Feral's apparels, for exemple our poor Fawkes, he's cursed to eternaly wear the same dirty clothing i think that if this mod change this and give us possibility to loot armours from others supermutants (an Enforcer from MMM for exemple) and give it to our dear Fawkes will be an awesome thing. (of course assuming that supermutant and ferals would have various armours).
What this mod's gonna do:
- Gives possibility to Enslave Supermutants and Ghouls if using FNNCQ.
- Possibility to train these two muties in order to make them more useful and obidient.
- Your Mutie's Slaves could be sold.
- Supermutants and Ferals are equipped with various armour.
- Armours of the Muties are Lootable!!.
I thought about an alternative to the Two Great and Popular Mods, RTS and Owned, i liked the idea of mixing them together, so insteed of making your base in the wilderness you'll have to make inside your owned House! so this way you can create your own Mercenary Company HQ, Wasteland Refuge, Traveller's Motel, or Even an Orphanage if that please you, well of couse you'll have to hire a housekeeper, recuits NPCs, find residents and take care of your proprieties by providing various supplies and definding them against rivals .... interested ? than let's see this in details:
What is mod will do:
- Gives the player a chance to own empty houses.
- Changes the way you own a house.
- Gives the possibility to create your own company.
- Possibilty to recruit NPCs to work for you.
- Ability to offre your services to NPCs.
- The Character have to take care of his house and building up his reputation.
Wasteland Warhood
Don't you think that the Wasteland with all its factions deserves more actions and sociability? don't you think that religious groups need some expansion? don't you believe that some factions need some enhanchement ? Well this mod is about making the Waste and its factions more social, realistic and expansive ... for exemple the player will have the chance to join and promote the religious group he wants such as children of atom, saint monic's church, the harold's druids or the beliefs of the BoS (and some religious groupes that don't existe in the vanilla game). he'll have the chance to convice poeple to join the religion he embrace, for exemple this way he can convert an entire town to the cult he serves ... as long as he promote a religion and keep praying he'll gain reputation among his fellows, some daily bonus, and even help from the divine.
The Player will experience too a more realistic and making sens integration into factions, for exemple he cannot just join a faction by choosing a perk. to be a regulator he has to reach a very good karma at lvl14, a regulator NPC will come and ask him to join the HQ, after this the player have to kill a number of evil NPCs and sell their finger to the Regulators to obtain the Lawbringer Perk. but that's not all, the player can join other faction such Raider, Railey's Ranger and others by completing some quest, after joining a faction the player had to prove his loyalty and valor by completing contracts, killing innocent NPCs ... (the work to complete depend on faction). the Player will have chance to make some Raids with his faction in order to gain territories, for exemple as Raider he can with his fellows rush Rivet City kill the guards and inhabitants, and transform the town into a Raider's Nest, this will change the Theme of Rivet city to one that fits with the raiders, the important NPCs will flee from the town, other will be ties in different places of the shiptown, so caravans will not pass by rivet city, and the player can experiences some ambush from Exiled Rivet City's Residents and other changes.
Well This my most favorite idea, I know that maybe it's hard to be released but in my humble opinion will bring a lot of fun and action to the game.
What is mod is in order to do:
- Adds some Factions and Religious Orders to the game.
- Gives Possibility to Join some Factions.
- Change the Way to Obtain some Perks.
- Gives the chance to spread post-apocalyptic religions through the Waste.
- Possibility to Convert NPCs into your religion or faction.
- Gives the possibility to the PC to be graduated and estimed among his fellows and camarades... and even becomes a kind of Guildmaster.
- Enhance Diplomacy between many factions and adds some action in their wars.
- Possibility to conquer settelements and strategic territories.
- Adds some quests and NPCs.
The Rise of Androids
The Androids in the game is a very intresting idea, but still not truely explored in the vanilla game, the only difference between human beigns and androids is that you can loot an android component from the least. The Cyborg's perk (and choosing android background from FWE Alternative Start) should make of your life something quiet different than ordinary human....
I think that exploring the idea of androids in the waste & life as androids will be something very interesting and immersive.
What this mod will do:
- Add New Creatures in the game.
- Expercience life as android will be more immersive.
- Adds items related to Cyborgs.
- Adds special android's Apparels and Weapons.
- Gives the Possibility to Capture and Build up Androids for personal use.
- Androids Spawn in the Waste.
- Some NPCs can repair, rebuild androids and sell various related items.
Wasteland Beastmaster
Inspired by TheTalkieToaster's Wasteland Whisperer a mod which i really appreciate, I though that it will be interesting if the Lonely Wanderer could experience a more immersive life as a Beastmaster, and enhanche the attitudes of wasteland's animals.
I think that each kind of animals must have their own way to get lured, captured, dominated and used ... this will make of animal's domination game a more natural and challenging one.
What this mod should do:
- Each animal has its own way to get lured, captured and dominated.
- Adds Items related to animals.
- Player can train his beasts, to make them more powerfull, useful and obidient.
- Captured Animals could be sold.
- Possibility to equippe animals with armours and packmule.
- Ability to Ride Animals.
- Collect Informations concerning Animals from various NPCs.
Ghouled World
Contrarly to what is said, Ghouls are human and not walking dead, their condition is due to a long exposure to radiations. Well then can anyone tells me why when i experienced this nothing happens, i thought that Ghouls were meant to replace Vampires in Oblivion but it was not the case, I was pretty sad to see that the vanilla game didn't gives us the possibility to ghoulificate or character......but later i found this two mods, Ghouled and Ghoulification both of them were giving us possibility to get ghoulified after a long exposure to rads....but there has been no update since a long time and both projects seem to be abandonned. so i think that i will be greate if someone could recreate a mod which would experience aspects of life as a ghoul.
What this mod Have to do:
- Gives the character the possibility to get transformed to ghoul after a long exposure to rads.
- Increases the Spawning of Ghouls around the Waste.
- Adds Ghoulified NPCs to some factions.
- Ghouled Characters could advence in their ghoulification and become more and more ghoulish.
- NPCs (Human and Ghouls) react properly to your new conditions.
- Companions and Slaves can witness the same experience.
- When Ghouled, Feral Ghouls don't attack you, if advenced in ghoulification you'll have ability to talk to them and recuit them.
Wasteland Saviour
It's Always sad to loose a good companion, arriving too late to save an NPC from being rippied in pieces, or to find your old friends from vault 101, hunters and scavengers lying dead in the waste. Well this mod is to change that, to put your medic skills in the service of the Wasteland. I Think that poor NPCs need a second chance, well it will be interesting if the ennemies you shot don't die immediatly, of course i'm not talking about those you reduced to ash, dismembered or blowed up the head. Insteed of just looting the NPCs you've shooted you'll be able to talk with the surviving ones, choose to help them by giving them stimpacks and waters, leave them to their fate and await until they die, or choose to ends their suffering with a bullet in the head...of course some NPCs are lucky than others some will be able to talke and to administrate them self the stimpacks and the first aid you give them while others will just lay on the ground grunting. some NPCs will need some surgery if you have the skill and the equippement you'll be able to do it yourself, if not i think it will be interesting to make you able to convince a doc to follow you in the waste to save the poor souls, it will be very very interesting if MTC WT2 adds some doctors travelling the waste. Well after saving an NPCs some will have to recover first so they just stand on the ground like beggars and ask you for medic, foods and water, while other can already be jumping and running through the waste, if you help an ennemy (for exemple human from the enclave or the raiders) this last will be grateful to you and follow you. would be greate if this apply to the beasts too for exemple you can save a supermutant or a feral (note that doctor will not help) this last can flee after recovering, treat you of stupid human and fires you, or rarely but possible follows you.
What this mod do:
- Adds doctors to the Waste.
- NPCs don't die immediatly if their death is not critical.
- Gives the Ability to save dying NPCs.
- You Gain or Loose Karma depending on your reaction to dying NPCs.
- Dying NPCs react properly after saving them.
The Afterlife
Well in my ideas I explored different aspects of the game, Androids, Ghoulifications, Relationship with Animals, Slavery for Mutants, Surgery and Cannibalisme, Love in the Waste, Owning Companies, Spread Religions, Faction's War .... now i'm quiet interessed in finale destination where all those thing above lead to, the place where all wastlanders are to visite ... The Afterlife. I think it will be interesting if we save the Lone Wanderer from death, espacialy the accidental and the stupid ones assuming that his body is still intact. The chance that the Player survive from certain death is calculed from his luck point, his armour rate and condition, the last damage he recieved, if he's under effect of some medics or poisons, how many ennemies and allies are around, and the strength of his opponent. if the Player passes the death test and survive, he'll simply fall in coma and awake in the afterlife's dreamlike world, there he could exprience many encounters, can complete some quest, meets some characters such as his Mother and Father, Saint Monic, The Mysterious Stranger, The Angel of Death and other characters. and he can have some pre-war visions and other kind of bizzare dreams, (this happen the same way as dreams in Sesom's See You ....Time to Bed Mod and i think that it will be great if some vision of the afterlife and dream vision from sleeping could converge).
The character can awake by completing quests or just talking to NPCs or stepping in specific area.
Back to life again, the Character can awake in diffrents places, for exemple in Saint Monic's church where father Clifford tells him that someone bring his deadlike body and put it near Rivet City, in a house in Aerfu, in the clinic of Megaton, in a cell at a base of Supermutants with other humans keeped for dinner, a tent in wilderness with the Mysterious Stranger or a water beggar by his side... of course some items could be missing this depend on your karma, luck, how many ennemies were surrounding you when you nearly died, how many time you spend in coma and which place you've awoke.
What this mod's have to do:
- Giving the PC the possibility to survive Death, assuming that he got all the requied condition to do so.
- Adds New Land "Afterlife" to the Game, this is where the character goes to when surviving a deadly shot.
- While in coma the PC can experience differents visions of the Afterlife.
- Adds New Quests.
- Adds New NPCs.
- Finding the way Out of the Afterlife the PC awake from his coma in various places, so he can experience many encounters.
Thank you for making 'il here
I Hope you enjoyed at least one idea

ps: Sorry for my bad english and for not giving enough details