That is the best defense of the click fest combat I have ever heard. I am being serious in both my respect for your love of "the fight" and that that is the first time I have heard a logical reason for the thousand HP boss fight system most games fall back on.
However for me I still prefer MANY realistic, brutal and lethally short fights with NPC that have good AI and skills to counter my attacks instead of 1/2 hour (real time) fights with NPC that take 100 or more mouse clicks to kill!
I was playing Borderlands and got into one boss fight was with a small skinny "preacher man" half my character's size. I unloaded more than 40 shot gun blast at close range and it only took his life down to 2/3 HP. Talk about immersion breaking! This made me stop playing the game in utter disgust and irritation until I found a way to increase (hack) the damage of the guns.
There are many ways to survive an attempted weapon attack that if it lands would kill you in 1 shot other than uber health levels. The problem is that most players are ignorant of these. (NO not stupid, when I say ignorant I just mean they just have no way to know otherwise) so the game companies have gotten away with it for too long. But I do believe this is slowly changing.
From some reading I have been doing on this subject it seems that this high HP thing and other "game-ish" mechanics that artificially increases the combat "challenge" started with the original video games from Japan "back in the day". But now some of their best designers are trying to change this with little progress because the game companies they work for do not want to change this.
This High HP thing seeped into the 70's/80's D&D type games which then influenced PC RPG. But if you look at the rules for table top war games (before D&D came along) you will see they used things like Cover, Movement and numerous enemies not high HP to make the combat challenging.
I voted no, and would on FCOM too. Don't :flamethrower: me everyone. It's just that I really enjoy the combat. I don't want to lessen the length of it. I want more of it! If anything I want more time in combat. That's why I have choosen to use only MMMs, for the time being.