1. "What do you most like about this mod and don't want me to change?"
I love the variety of titles, please don't change that. I actually found a copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in my game (one of my all time favorite novels from childhood, hehe)
2. "Are there any features you think I should get rid of?"
None that I can think of
3. "Are there any features you've been hoping I'll add?"
I would really love to see more of the titles with their actual covers, though I know that is not always possible. Also, and it's probably wishful thinking but I have always hoped that you could add a feature that would make the books easier to put on a bookshelf. I seem to remember there was a mod way back when that made that possible but I can't seem to find it now.
If there is anything I can be of help with, I'd be happy to.
Good luck and I can't wait to get a hold of the new revision! This is one of my all time favorite mods for adding realism into the Fallout Universe :goodjob: