@Spectre IV: With that approach there wouldn't be special hardware

Most gamers doesn't own TrackIR or use FreeTrack, yet some games choose to support them and they work great. I have TracrIR myself, but I actually find it awkward to use, especially on foot. I have no plans of using a mic to do dragon shouts. But I think supporting it would be great for those who wants it. And by that I don't mean a builtin feature that only does dragon shouts, but a game feature that enables use of third party software for voice control executing game macros that in the end executes the dragon shouts.
Personally I support the idea of both voice control (via external software to control game macros, like the rest) and TrackIR, even if I have no plans of using either. Given that we loose speed in backtracking (and possibly side strafing) compared to running and sprinting forward, there has to be some kind of freelook system where you look in a different direction that you move. Arma 2 does this by holding alt to enable freelook. Hooking TrackIR/FreeTrack to freelook seems like a natural progression to support.
I'm actually shocked that there are 108 no/stupid votes and only 10 yes, have you guys no foresight at all?
The VAC system is a useful program which you use to issue commands to your flight simulator or
role playing game.
@squeekers1234: PushToTalk