Oblivion Graphics Extender, Thread 14

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:19 pm

For some reason, I'm having difficulty getting edgeAA to really do much of anything... to my eyes, anyway. Every single other fx is working just fine, though I'm still fine-tuning half of them.

It's present, activated, I shift the numbers around. And yet, edges are distinctly *not* anti-aliased. Well, again, as far as I can see.

Is it perhaps a more "subtle" version of AA? Or is there some reason it wouldn't work, for some setups? Also, what are the correct settings for it, to - as closely as possible - emulate the original Oblivion AA?
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:57 pm

Continuing on with the low light levels vision ideas, we could pack everything so far together into a single shader, and also have it as a new nighteye shader - when a variable is set, it raises the visibility by amplifying all the luminosities, so to give a picture similar to that of greyscale night vision cameras. This also has the benefit of whiting out areas of greater luminosity, resulting in a downside to nighteye that is lacking in vanilla. Further expanding this, we could also give separate levels of nighteye, with higher levels having a greater amplification and more of a damper on the whiting out.

It svcks that I'm too busy to actually do this myself ATM. :( What do you guys think of the above though?

EDIT: Here's some bones to put meat on:
//Low Light Level Shader by WrinklyNinja//Combination of the Purkinje Effect, rod cell density variation and grain effect.extern float Amplifier = 2;extern float FGIntensity = 0;//Film Grain: Controls the intensity of the noise. 0 = no effect, 1 = full effect.//Default = 0.3.texture thisframe;float4 f4Time;float3 greyscale = float4(0.299, 0.587, 0.114,0);float2 rcpres;sampler FrameSampler = sampler_state{	texture = ;	AddressU = CLAMP;	AddressV = CLAMP;	MINFILTER = POINT;	MAGFILTER = POINT;};struct VSOUT{	float4 vertPos : POSITION;	float2 UVCoord : TEXCOORD0;};struct VSIN{	float4 vertPos : POSITION0;	float2 UVCoord : TEXCOORD0;};VSOUT DummyVS(VSIN IN){	VSOUT OUT = (VSOUT)0.0f;	// initialize to zero, avoid complaints.	OUT.vertPos = IN.vertPos;	OUT.UVCoord = IN.UVCoord;	return (OUT);}float3 FilmGrain(float3 frame, float2 UVCoord, float lum){	float gradient = f4Time.x % (20000*3.141592654);	float x = UVCoord.x * UVCoord.y * gradient;	x = fmod(x, 13) * fmod(x, 123);		float dx = fmod(x, 0.01);	float3 framenoise = frame + frame * saturate(0.1f + dx.xxx * 100);	framenoise = lerp(frame,framenoise,FGIntensity*(1-lum));	framenoise = framenoise / (1+FGIntensity/2);	return framenoise;}float3 Purkinje(float3 frame, float lum){	//frame.r = lerp(frame,greyscale,1/lum);	return frame;}float3 RodCellVariation(float3 frame, float2 UVCoord, float lum){	UVCoord = float2(UVCoord.x - 0.5,0.5 - UVCoord.y)*2;	float radialdist = sqrt(pow(UVCoord.x,2) + pow(UVCoord.y,2))/sqrt(2);	//Amplification should be proportional to a function of radialdist.	//At the centre, there should be no change from vanilla.	//exp(-radialdist) gives a neat look, but pow(radialdist,2) is best so far.	//The effect should also happen most at low lum, and not at all at high lum.	frame = frame * (1 + pow(radialdist,2) * exp(1-lum));	//frame *= pow(radialdist+1,2);		 	return saturate(frame);}float3 Amplify(float3 frame) {	return frame*Amplifier;}float4 ApplyEffects(float2 UVCoord : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR0{	float4 frame = tex2D(FrameSampler,UVCoord);	float lum = dot(greyscale,frame);	frame.rgb = FilmGrain(frame.rgb,UVCoord,lum);	//frame.rgb = Purkinje(frame.rgb,lum);	frame.rgb = RodCellVariation(frame.rgb,UVCoord,lum);	//frame.rgb = Amplify(frame.rgb);	return frame;}technique t0{	pass p0 { 		VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 DummyVS();		PixelShader = compile ps_2_0 ApplyEffects();		}}

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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:47 pm

Continuing on with the low light levels vision ideas, we could pack everything so far together into a single shader, and also have it as a new nighteye shader - when a variable is set, it raises the visibility by amplifying all the luminosities, so to give a picture similar to that of greyscale night vision cameras. This also has the benefit of whiting out areas of greater luminosity, resulting in a downside to nighteye that is lacking in vanilla. Further expanding this, we could also give separate levels of nighteye, with higher levels having a greater amplification and more of a damper on the whiting out.

It svcks that I'm too busy to actually do this myself ATM. :( What do you guys think of the above though?

EDIT: Here's some bones to put meat on:

Nice structure. I will bind it to fov as well. And I have some ideas for all the little light level effects. I think it will turn out great. But in the mean time can someone help me figure out this:

In mge we don't have a time variable. But we have some unreliable tickcounts and a linvar. Linvar is incrementing from 0 to 1 and about 1.5th second it reverts back to 0. Now my code

float2 offset = 2 * linvar;float4 color = tex2D(s0, tex + offset);

Now this is scrolling perfectly when I set s0 as mirror. But I have no idea how to slow it down. My attempts were involving division, and by the nature, scroll cuts at 1.5th second. This is driving me crazy. Please someone help.
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:52 am

Uh... no recommended settings for edgeAA? No-one at all? :(

As I said, all the others have been fine, with settings either suggested or (more or less) intuitive, but for whatever reason, I just can't seem to figure out the right settings for edgeAA.

If anyone is using that effect (or has used it) successfully, could you please post some guidelines? Or, if there's documentation or this and I've somehow missed it, could you perhaps point the way?

Thanks. :)
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:16 am

Um - I'd like to second that request for recommended edgeAA settings.

I've got everything up and running - i love ssao, i love distance blur, i love godrays.... but i hate jaggies.

Please know how grateful i am for all you brilliant shader programmers - your tireless tinkering is much appreciated.

I've played with the edgeAA quite a bit, but not quite gotten it up to satisfaction. I'd love to hear some settings that are working well for folks.

Thanks much!

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sara OMAR
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:43 pm

upd.: problem solved
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Isabella X
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:17 am

Great mod - if you know how to use it ;)

But I have some questions and a little bit of criticism for you.


1. Is there anybody here who could post a list of "optimal" settings for all the different effects. I know that everybody has their own taste but perhaps someone out there has the same taste as I do ;)

2. Why isn't there an .ini file in which the settings are saved. It would be so much easier to configurate the mod and have an overview over all the settings. And it wouldn't screw with the savegames (I hope).

3. In what ways does this mod mess with my savegames? I'm not a fan of "dirty" saves.

4. SSAO slows down the frame rate but it doesn't show a decrease in fps. It just feels more sluggish although I still have 50fps +. Why is that?


1. Documentation could be better. I'm not a computer illiterate but I had my problems with this mod. For instance please tell us what the different settings actually do, and if possible include screenshots which show the difference between different values. (Godrays for example have a lot of different settings but I have no clue whatsoever what they actually do.)

2. There should be an .ini file which saves all the settings so that people wouldn't have to reconfigurate their mod after loading an older savegame with different ones. I can't imagine this being a difficult thing to do.

3. Please integrate a reset button for each individual setting and for the complete mod including all the different shader settings. Or just tell us what the default value for each setting is in the description (true for most settings but not for all atm.)


1. Whenever I minimize Oblivion I'm not able to return to the game. I have to force Oblivion.exe to shut down and restart the game. I have a lot of mods (40+) installed but as far as I know this only happens when using OBGE.

2. Sometimes my mouse is in the game and on my desktop at the same time. When I press my left mouse button and drag it across the screen it will pull the whole game window (it's not in window mode) across the screen. But I don't really think that this problem is limited to OBGE.


Windows Vista x64bit
Nvidia GTX260 - Forceware 197.13
shaderlist.txt is empty

Nevertheless, this is a great mod. Thank you for all your hard work :)
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:40 am

1. Is there anybody here who could post a list of "optimal" settings for all the different effects. I know that everybody has their own taste but perhaps someone out there has the same taste as I do ;)

I second this one.

Well, to be honest, some min-max values would be a good start. I've been trying to configure DoF to get a performance boost. I'm not sure that's even possible, but the idea was that if I had a nice distance blur in effect, I could use lower resolution textures for the LOD. Also, I'm thinking it might work in a similar fashion to Streamline's fog thingie and reduce the amount of stuff that gets rendered past a certain point. Would that be feasible?

I'm confused with the DepthPower variable. There's a HawkleyFox method that suggests setting it to 0.05, the Normal to 19 and the Distance Blur to 5001! If it's that sensitive that it goes down to 0.05, how does it go up to 5001?

Finally, this is kind of off topic, and I apologise for asking. You're probably the most informed about this however. I'd like to tweak the Oblivion.ini settings to turn HDR down so it wouldn't be as bright. I'll probably go the old testing way, but maybe you know ahead of time what settings should be altered. Ah, there's no way to make it less resource intensive, right? I only have it on for OBGE :)

Thank you!

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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:58 am

An update regarding edgeAA - somehow, I'd managed to miss some or all of the effect before. So yes, it does work. :) I hadn't tried properly testing it with the same view, edgeAA on and off.

However, it doesn't appear to deal with *all* jaggery edges. Just some of them. Or maybe all of them, to a lesser or greater extent. It's hard to tell, exactly.

So, sorry for not giving edgeAA quite enough of a chance. The difference *is* there... but it's not quite the full AA one might be accustomed to. Of course, I've no idea how difficult if would be "fix" that, if it's even possible. Either way, the combination of edgeAA, SSAO, Godrays and Color Effects is amazing, and nearly perfect, IMO. So close!

Depth of Field is also good, but I'm not sure yet, whether it makes the list. Color Moods are insteresting, and maybe with some experimentation they'll be used too.

Also, it's so much better now with the in-game menu - thanks for that!
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:13 pm

Great mod - if you know how to use it ;)

But I have some questions and a little bit of criticism for you.

1. Is there anybody here who could post a list of "optimal" settings for all the different effects. I know that everybody has their own taste but perhaps someone out there has the same taste as I do ;)

2. Why isn't there an .ini file in which the settings are saved. It would be so much easier to configurate the mod and have an overview over all the settings. And it wouldn't screw with the savegames (I hope).

I provide optimal settings in my shaders, at least according to me. You can tweak them further. Some shaders like color effects don't have a optimal setting though. You pick your mood color. It is best to use with a mod to set a mood for some cinematic sequence or place. Normally these kind of questions are dealt in OBGE screenshots thread, I mean MGE screenshots thread. :P It is where users show their pics, shader load orders and tweaks. We haven't that yet.

It is a philosophy thing, I guess. I too think it makes things complicated. It is best to keep it on low level(engine level) for most effects.

3. In what ways does this mod mess with my savegames? I'm not a fan of "dirty" saves.

It doesn't [censored] up my saves, but due to a conflict I can't save the game without a CTD. (When used with motion blur mods) So I set "bsave" to 0 in ini. Now it won't mess with my saves hence no crash. :) You can try it too.

4. SSAO slows down the frame rate but it doesn't show a decrease in fps. It just feels more sluggish although I still have 50fps +. Why is that?

Very interesting, for me it is just slow.


1. Documentation could be better. I'm not a computer illiterate but I had my problems with this mod. For instance please tell us what the different settings actually do, and if possible include screenshots which show the difference between different values. (Godrays for example have a lot of different settings but I have no clue whatsoever what they actually do.)

It is kind of a lot of work to show differences in subtle light changes. The settings have explanations both in shader and support plugin.(not the support plugin on tesnexus, one posted in this thread). They are all sensitive.(use 0.01s, 0.1s)

2. There should be an .ini file which saves all the settings so that people wouldn't have to reconfigurate their mod after loading an older savegame with different ones. I can't imagine this being a difficult thing to do.

Again this is a philosophy thing, and I think we nail it in MGE.

3. Please integrate a reset button for each individual setting and for the complete mod including all the different shader settings. Or just tell us what the default value for each setting is in the description (true for most settings but not for all atm.)

I will add that. Thanks for pointing that out. You can also always download the shaders again to look at their original values.


1. Whenever I minimize Oblivion I'm not able to return to the game. I have to force Oblivion.exe to shut down and restart the game. I have a lot of mods (40+) installed but as far as I know this only happens when using OBGE.

This is a side effect of using this mod. Like having no AA. Not much we can do right now. That is common problem in game engines, even full games can have that issue. But that doesn't mean it is permanent. MGE actually get that privilege(alt+tab without crashing) last month after 8 years in development. :P

2. Sometimes my mouse is in the game and on my desktop at the same time. When I press my left mouse button and drag it across the screen it will pull the whole game window (it's not in window mode) across the screen. But I don't really think that this problem is limited to OBGE.

I had that when I used XFIRE, it was a conflict with XFIRE and Oblivion though, not OGE related. Not sure how I fixed it.

Nevertheless, this is a great mod. Thank you for all your hard work :)

Thanks and I thank other members in this occasion. Wait when we show you the new Oblivion water. Now that one will be good. (I'm just teasing. :) )

An update regarding edgeAA - somehow, I'd managed to miss some or all of the effect before. So yes, it does work. :) I hadn't tried properly testing it with the same view, edgeAA on and off.

However, it doesn't appear to deal with *all* jaggery edges. Just some of them. Or maybe all of them, to a lesser or greater extent. It's hard to tell, exactly.

It won't fix all the edges, it is a hack for AA. It is meant for temporary effect. I first tweaked in cartoon edges state, then switched to edgeAA and started to tweak the blur. At one point it was looking look but not perfect. This is what we get from this technique. I hope it will get fixed in a newer version.

"Great mod - if you know how to use it ;)"
Great mod -if you know the price, and accept it!

No AA, no alt-tab, usual beta problems.

Usage is very simple on the other hand. B)
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:10 am


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I agree completely that you've really nailed everything with MGE. It's a fantastic project, an excellent model for the future of OBGE :)
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Alina loves Alexandra
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:32 pm

Standing in for another user: Win7 (installed outside of default folder), OBSE v18, Screen Effects, OBGE v3


? 00 Oblivion.esm
? 01 ScreenEffects.esm
? 02 AWS-Core.esm
? 03 EnhancedWeather.esm [Version 1.4]
? 04 Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm
? 05 Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm
? 06 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.33]
? 07 Mart's Monster Mod.esm [Version 3.7b1]
? 08 FCOM_Convergence.esm [Version 0.9.9a7]
? 09 HorseCombatMaster.esm
? 0A Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.2.0]
? 0B DLCShiveringIsles.esp
? 0C Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.4.0]
? 0D Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp
? 0E Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp
? 0F Francesco's Dark Seducer Weapons Patch.esp
? 10 FCOM_Francescos.esp [Version 0.9.9]
? ++ FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp [Version 0.9.9]
? 11 EnhancedWeather.esp [Version 1.3.5]
? 12 IWR-Lights.esp
? 13 IWR-Windows.esp
? 14 IWR-Shutters.esp
? 15 WindowLightingSystem.esp
? 16 Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.esp
? 17 Ultimate 3rd Person Camera.esp
? 18 ClocksOfCyrodiil.esp
? 19 personality_idles2.esp
? 1A StandingJOJO.esp
? 1B MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp
? 1C PTArtifacts.esp
? ++ Francesco's Optional Vendor Tweaks.esp
? 1D Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp
? 1E FCOM_BobsArmory.esp [Version 0.9.9]
? ? ? Oblivion WarCry.esp [Version 1.085a]
? 1F Oblivion WarCry EV.esp
? 20 FCOM_WarCry.esp [Version 0.9.9]
? 21 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.33]
? 22 FCOM_Convergence.esp [Version 0.9.9]
? 23 FCOM_RealSwords.esp [Version 0.9.9]
? ++ Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - NoReaversInGates.esp [Version 0.9.9MB3]
? ++ Mart's Monster Mod for OOO - LessReaversInGates.esp [Version 0.9.9MB3]
? 24 Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 0.18]
? 25 VaultsofCyrodiil.esp
? 26 The Lost Spires.esp
? 27 bondage_six.esp
? 28 Eroblivion.esp
? 29 BasicInstinct.esp
? 2A SetBody.esp
? 2B MidasSpells.esp
? 2C DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp
? 2D CTAddPose_v_1.esp
? 2E CTAddPose_ bondage_six.esp
? 2F actors_in_charge.esp
? 30 77_Umpa_Animation.esp
? 31 EFGAddPose.esp
? 32 shinyEmotions.esp
? 33 Slof's sixy Anims.esp
? 34 zzEstrus.esp
? 35 Beautiful PeopleV22 - MaleReplacerV4.esp
? ++ Francesco's day lenght rescale 1-20.esp
? 36 ScreenControls.esp
? 37 Oblivion Graphics Extender Support.esp [Version 0.2]
? 38 CTAddPose_ bondage_six_modi.esp
? 39 The-Lost-Realms.esp
? 3A FearsomeMagicka.esp
? 3B 01751_Arcane_addon_Arcane_Vaults-8389.esp
? 3C Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Edit: ignore the FCOM installation problems, I'll address those shortly...
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:43 am

Hello there, I've been running Oblivion on my new PC at 60 fps steady on ultra high video settings with QTP3 and a load of other mods so I thought I might as well try OBGE. So I installed it today, it was a pretty simple install, didn't take much work. But when I open up the game, I see no difference besides some messages in my console like "OBGE loaded shader xxxx". There's not even a misc item that it says it adds. I've made sure to enable the support esp but there's still no difference. I've tried around five different ingame days to find godrays and I can't, that and it just looks the same in general.
What am I doing wrong? I'll check the list of shaders file thing, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

EDIT: Actually I can't find the shaderlist.txt file anywhere. Possibly the root of the problem?
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Britta Gronkowski
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:27 am

Hello, I get this bug when i use obge v2 3.0, but not when i use v2. 2.0,

here are some screenshots: http://img708.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=screenshot2xl.jpg

i only have the standard shaders which come with the pack enabled,

the bug did not appear until i updated my gfx card drivers and direct x to the latest version today.

these are my system specs:

windows xp32 bit (86) professional,
amd athlon 64x2 4200fx o_O (939),
200mhz ddr ram 2.5 gigs,
geforce 8800 gts,

Thanks for the great mod so far ;D
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:27 am

Hello there, I've been running Oblivion on my new PC at 60 fps steady on ultra high video settings with QTP3 and a load of other mods so I thought I might as well try OBGE. So I installed it today, it was a pretty simple install, didn't take much work. But when I open up the game, I see no difference besides some messages in my console like "OBGE loaded shader xxxx". There's not even a misc item that it says it adds. I've made sure to enable the support esp but there's still no difference. I've tried around five different ingame days to find godrays and I can't, that and it just looks the same in general.
What am I doing wrong? I'll check the list of shaders file thing, but I'm not sure what I'm looking for.

EDIT: Actually I can't find the shaderlist.txt file anywhere. Possibly the root of the problem?

Log files will show if obge works OK or not. We can take a look to them.

You create the shaderlist.txt file. Fill it with effect names you want. Remove support plugin for troubleshooting.(It can cause problems with some shaders.)

Hello, I get this bug when i use obge v2 3.0, but not when i use v2. 2.0,

here are some screenshots: http://img708.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=screenshot2xl.jpg

i only have the standard shaders which come with the pack enabled,

the bug did not appear until i updated my gfx card drivers and direct x to the latest version today.

these are my system specs:

windows xp32 bit (86) professional,
amd athlon 64x2 4200fx o_O (939),
200mhz ddr ram 2.5 gigs,
geforce 8800 gts,

Thanks for the great mod so far ;D

I'm having that problem too, we can call it a bug. :P Hopefully will be fixed in next versions.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:08 pm

"Wait when we show you the new Oblivion water"
That's the only thing that lacks good graphic in oblivion. Awsome news that you are making new water but could you be more specific what will be new?
underwater refraction?
Animated shorelines?
or maybe a completly remade water model more like that of crysis?

Can't wait to see it.
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Lillian Cawfield
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:52 am

hey guys been ages, hope vtastek still hangs around though :3 ok so tested your latest version and now i get godrays but they're kinda bugged
now for the same old

OS: vista 32
G-board: n-vidia 9600GTX
Ingnoring message.
Pre Hook
RESZ not supported.
Depth buffer texture (INTZ) (1280,1024) created OK.
Depth buffer attached OK. 0
Received load game message.
Loading a game.
Creating vertex buffers.
Creating shader textures.
Width = 1280, Height = 1024
Setting shader surfaces.
Setting depth texture.
Loading the shaders.
Added to list OK.
Loading the shaders.
Save file links 0 textures.
Shader Index = 21
Shader num = 11
Filename = ssao_perf.fx
Enabled = 1
RefID = 8E000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_perf.fx)
Float rcpres = 0.000781(1)
Float m44proj = 1.390107(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 12
Filename = ssao_test.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 8E000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_test.fx)
Found filename : ssao\RandomNoiseB.dds
Loading texture (data\textures\ssao\RandomNoiseB.dds)
Float rcpres = 0.000781(1)
Float m44proj = 1.390107(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 13
Filename = DepthOfField.fx
Enabled = 1
RefID = 8E000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)
Float DoFAmount = 0.050000(1)
Float FullFocusRange = 0.100000(1)
Float NoFocusRange = 0.600000(1)
Int DepthPower = 0(1)
Float FocusPoint = 0.500000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000781(1)
Float f4Time = 41870.953125(1)
Float m44proj = 1.390107(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 15
Filename = CelShader+EdgeAA.fx
Enabled = 1
RefID = 8E000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\CelShader+EdgeAA.fx)
Float rcpres = 0.000781(2)
Float edgeStrength = 15.000000(1)
Float edgeAABlurAmt = 0.040000(1)
Float blurCoordWG = -2.000000(8)
Float blurMagnitudeWG = 1.000000(8)
Float blurCoord = 1.000000(12)
Float blurMagnitude = 1.000000(12)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 16
Filename = ColorEffects.fx
Enabled = 1
RefID = 8E000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx)
Float Saturation = 1.000000(1)
Float Brightness = 1.000000(1)
Float Contrast = 1.000000(1)
Float GContrast = 1.000000(1)
Float GBrightness = 1.000000(1)
Float FGIntensity = 0.000000(1)
Float BHMagnitude = 10.000000(1)
Float BHBrightness = 4.000000(1)
Float f4Time = 41870.953125(1)
Float greyscale = 0.299000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000781(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 17
Filename = ColorMood.fx
Enabled = 1
RefID = 8E000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorMood.fx)
Float fRatio = 0.800000(1)
Float moodR = 0.400000(1)
Float moodG = 0.270000(1)
Float moodB = 0.330000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 18
Filename = obsharpen.fx
Enabled = 1
RefID = 8E000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\obsharpen.fx)
Float sharpval = 8.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 20
Filename = Godrays.fx
Enabled = 1
RefID = 8E000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\Godrays.fx)
Float globalmul = 1.000000(1)
Float morningshaftex = 2.300000(1)
Float eveningshaftex = 3.500000(1)
Float goldendecay = 0.990000(1)
Float noonshaftex = 1.000000(1)
Float noondecay = 0.990000(1)
Float moonshaftex = 0.090000(1)
Float moondecay = 0.880000(1)
Float showraypass = 0.000000(1)
Float startsunrise = 4.000000(1)
Float endsunrise = 10.000000(1)
Float startevening = 17.000000(1)
Float endevening = 21.000000(1)
Float Density = 0.900000(1)
Float Weight = 0.440000(1)
Float goldensaturate = 0.540000(1)
Float noonsaturate = 0.010000(1)
Float Luminance = 0.440000(1)
Float fMiddleGray = 0.990000(1)
Float fWhiteCutoff = 0.990000(1)
Float m44view = -0.039215(1)
Float f3EyeForward = 0.986083(1)
Float f4SunDir = 0.233774(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000781(1)
Float f4Time = 41870.953125(1)
Float t = 0.767327(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Alt Render target - width = 1280, height = 1024
Shader (ssao_perf.fx) - Script refID = 8e000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (ssao_test.fx) - Script refID = 8e000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (DepthOfField.fx) - Script refID = 8e000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (Godrays.fx) - Script refID = 8e000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (CelShader+EdgeAA.fx) - Script refID = 8e000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (ColorEffects.fx) - Script refID = 8e000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (ColorMood.fx) - Script refID = 8e000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (obsharpen.fx) - Script refID = 8e000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Alt Render target - width = 1280, height = 1024
Received ExitGame message.
Calling Release Device
Releasing thisframe surface.
Releasing thisframe texture.
Releasing lastpass surface.
Releasing lastpass texture.
Releasing lastframe surface.
Releasing lastframe texture.
Releasing shader vertex buffer.

obse log:
OBSE: initialize (version = 18.5 010201A0)
oblivion root = C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\
plugin directory = C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\
checking plugin C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll
SetOpcodeBase 00002100
RegisterCommand GetAvailableGraphicsMemory (2100)
RegisterCommand GetScreenWidth (2101)
RegisterCommand GetScreenHeight (2102)
RegisterCommand LoadShader (2103)
RegisterCommand ApplyFullscreenShader (2104)
RegisterCommand RemoveFullscreenShader (2105)
RegisterCommand SetShaderInt (2106)
RegisterCommand SetShaderFloat (2107)
RegisterCommand SetShaderVector (2108)
RegisterCommand SetShaderTexture (2109)
RegisterCommand ForceGraphicsReset (210A)
RegisterCommand LoadTexture (210B)
RegisterCommand FreeTexture (210C)
RegisterCommand CreateHUDElement (210D)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementTexture (210E)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementColour (210F)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementPosition (2110)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementScale (2111)
RegisterCommand SetHUDElementRotation (2112)
RegisterCommand PurgeManagedTextures (2113)
RegisterCommand IsShaderEnabled (2114)
plugin C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OBGEv2.dll (00000001 OBGEv2 00000003) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OblivionOnline.dll
SetOpcodeBase 000022D0
RegisterCommand MPConnect (22D0)
RegisterCommand MPSendActor (22D1)
RegisterCommand MPSendFullStat (22D2)
RegisterCommand MPSendChat (22D3)
RegisterCommand MPSyncTime (22D4)
RegisterCommand MPGetPosX (22D5)
RegisterCommand MPGetPosY (22D6)
RegisterCommand MPGetPosZ (22D7)
RegisterCommand MPGetRotZ (22D8)
RegisterCommand MPGetCell (22D9)
RegisterCommand MPGetTime (22DA)
RegisterCommand MPGetDay (22DB)
RegisterCommand MPGetMonth (22DC)
RegisterCommand MPGetYear (22DD)
RegisterCommand MPGetIsInInterior (22DE)
RegisterCommand MPGetStat (22DF)
RegisterCommand MPGetDebugData (22E0)
RegisterCommand MPGetSpawnedRef (22E1)
RegisterCommand MPSpawned (22E2)
RegisterCommand MPTotalPlayers (22E3)
RegisterCommand MPDisconnect (22E4)
RegisterCommand MPClearSpawn (22E5)
RegisterCommand MPSendEquipped (22E6)
RegisterCommand MPGetEquipment (22E7)
RegisterCommand MPGetMyID (22E8)
RegisterCommand MPSetInCombat (22E9)
RegisterCommand MPGetIsInCombat (22EA)
RegisterCommand MPLogin (22EB)
RegisterCommand MPSynchActors (22EC)
RegisterCommand MPBuildCache (22ED)
plugin C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\OblivionOnline.dll (00000001 OblivionOnline 00000001) loaded correctly
checking plugin C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dll
plugin C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins\\weOCPS.dll (00000001 weOCPS 01328DD8) loaded correctly
DoLoadGameHook: C:\Users\Lordes de Oliveira\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Save 3 - Gunder - Imperial City, Market District, Level 54, Playing Time 117.04.02.ess
loading from C:\Users\Lordes de Oliveira\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves\Save 3 - Gunder - Imperial City, Market District, Level 54, Playing Time 117.04.02.obse
Loading strings
Loading array variables
plugin didn't finish reading chunk
plugin didn't finish reading chunk
plugin didn't finish reading chunk
plugin didn't finish reading chunk
plugin didn't finish reading chunk
plugin didn't finish reading chunk
plugin didn't finish reading chunk
plugin didn't finish reading chunk
plugin did not read all of its data (at 000000000000B2D4 expected 000000000000B2D5)
Dumping Array #5 **
Refs: 1 Owner 7C: Map Marker Overhaul.esp

and last but not least some pics :P





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Tanika O'Connell
Posts: 3412
Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:34 am

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:44 am

hey guys been ages, hope vtastek still hangs around though :3 ok so tested your latest version and now i get godrays but they're kinda bugged
now for the same old

and last but not least some pics :P






Spoiler tags are the way to go, rather than codebox, nowadays.

This thread has been a bit empty of activity, but it's probably because everyone's really busy. It'll pick back up again at the end of the month. :)
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Lisa Robb
Posts: 3542
Joined: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:13 pm

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:08 am

Spoiler tags are the way to go, rather than codebox, nowadays.

This thread has been a bit empty of activity, but it's probably because everyone's really busy. It'll pick back up again at the end of the month. :)

kk man i'll fix the logs in that post right naoh!!

also i know vtastek's been really busy with MGE
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Alex [AK]
Posts: 3436
Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:01 pm

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:27 am

I've been using Godrays, SSAO tweaked right down and DOF for ages, absolutely loving it too. Started using cel shader for edge AA and was very impressed with the results. More recently switched to SSAO perf.fx and while the effect doesn't seem quite as 'deep' it's nice and I have marginally improved framerates also changed over to timely godrays and the loss of the 'blue rinse' effect at midday is a boon:).

I tried the alpha colour grading shader, nont really sure what it was supposed to acheive, so I dropped it.

I was dubious about colour mood, but I decided to give it a bash and wow really liking it. Is it just a placebo effect or are metallic objects such as armour much shinier with colour mood?

Yeah, right now my Oblivion is looking better than ever. Just wanted to say thanks really.
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Kerri Lee
Posts: 3404
Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:37 pm

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:45 pm

I am having some issues getting the cel shading / depth of field / and ambient occlusion working. All of the other shaders seem to work fine.
I should also note that since I have installed this mod, and the related files needed for it to function, the game no longer shuts down correctly upon choosing the exit game option but crashes instead.
This is also the only thing I have added on to oblivion after a fresh install.

I am running Windows XP with DirectX 9.0c and the latest possible video drivers (I just downloaded them).
My graphics card is a Nvidia7800GTX.

Below you can see a screenshot of the game when using the cel shading effect. Similar graphical glitches occur when trying to use depth of field and ambient occlusion. The game runs normally when using these shaders even with the graphical glitches occuring - save for the AO shader which seems to bump down the framerate a bit.

I do NOT have a shaderlist.txt but it seems that isn't really an issue.

My OBGE.ini is as follows:

Thanks in advance to anyone that can offer any sort of input on this. It will be greatly appreciated. :)
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meghan lock
Posts: 3451
Joined: Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:26 pm

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:45 am

Ok, I posted in this topic.
Here's my log:
Ingnoring message.
Pre Hook
RESZ format supported.
Depth buffer texture (INTZ) (1920,1080) created OK.
Depth buffer attached OK. 0
Ingnoring message.
Received load game message.
Loading a game.
Creating vertex buffers.
Creating shader textures.
Width = 1920, Height = 1080
Setting shader surfaces.
Setting depth texture.
Loading the shaders.
Error opening shaderlist.txt file.
Added to list OK.
Loading the shaders.
Error opening shaderlist.txt file.
Save file links 0 textures.
Shader Index = 8
Shader num = 0
Filename = ssao_perf.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 64000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_perf.fx)
Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 1
Filename = ssao_test.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 64000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ssao_test.fx)
Found filename : ssao\RandomNoiseB.dds
Loading texture (data\textures\ssao\RandomNoiseB.dds)
Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 2
Filename = DepthOfField.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 64000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\DepthOfField.fx)
Float DoFAmount = 0.050000(1)
Float FullFocusRange = 0.100000(1)
Float NoFocusRange = 0.600000(1)
Float DepthPower = 0.000000(1)
Float FocusPoint = 0.500000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)
Float f4Time = 0.000000(1)
Float m44proj = 0.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 3
Filename = Godrays.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 64000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\Godrays.fx)
Float globalmul = 1.000000(1)
Float morningshaftex = 2.300000(1)
Float eveningshaftex = 3.500000(1)
Float goldendecay = 0.990000(1)
Float noonshaftex = 1.000000(1)
Float noondecay = 0.990000(1)
Float moonshaftex = 0.090000(1)
Float moondecay = 0.880000(1)
Float showraypass = 0.000000(1)
Float startsunrise = 4.000000(1)
Float endsunrise = 10.000000(1)
Float startevening = 17.000000(1)
Float endevening = 21.000000(1)
Float Density = 0.900000(1)
Float Weight = 0.440000(1)
Float goldensaturate = 0.540000(1)
Float noonsaturate = 0.010000(1)
Float Luminance = 0.440000(1)
Float fMiddleGray = 0.990000(1)
Float fWhiteCutoff = 0.990000(1)
Float m44view = 0.000000(1)
Float f3EyeForward = 0.000000(1)
Float f4SunDir = 0.000000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)
Float f4Time = 0.000000(1)
Float t = 0.767327(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 4
Filename = CelShader+EdgeAA.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 64000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\CelShader+EdgeAA.fx)
Float rcpres = 0.000521(2)
Float edgeStrength = 15.000000(1)
Float edgeAABlurAmt = 0.040000(1)
Float blurCoordWG = -2.000000(8)
Float blurMagnitudeWG = 1.000000(8)
Float blurCoord = 1.000000(12)
Float blurMagnitude = 1.000000(12)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 5
Filename = ColorEffects.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 64000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorEffects.fx)
Float Saturation = 1.000000(1)
Float Brightness = 1.000000(1)
Float Contrast = 1.000000(1)
Float GContrast = 1.000000(1)
Float GBrightness = 1.000000(1)
Float FGIntensity = 0.000000(1)
Float BHMagnitude = 10.000000(1)
Float BHBrightness = 4.000000(1)
Float f4Time = 0.000000(1)
Float greyscale = 0.299000(1)
Float rcpres = 0.000521(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 6
Filename = ColorMood.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 64000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\ColorMood.fx)
Float fRatio = 0.800000(1)
Float moodR = 0.400000(1)
Float moodG = 0.270000(1)
Float moodB = 0.330000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Shader num = 7
Filename = obsharpen.fx
Enabled = 0
RefID = 64000800
Is in use = 1
Loading shader (data\shaders\obsharpen.fx)
Float sharpval = 8.000000(1)
Setting effects screen texture.
Inserting the shader into the list.
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Shader (ssao_perf.fx) - Script refID = 64000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (ssao_test.fx) - Script refID = 64000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (DepthOfField.fx) - Script refID = 64000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (Godrays.fx) - Script refID = 64000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (CelShader+EdgeAA.fx) - Script refID = 64000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (ColorEffects.fx) - Script refID = 64000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (ColorMood.fx) - Script refID = 64000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Shader (obsharpen.fx) - Script refID = 64000800
Loading shader that already exists. Returning index of existing shader.
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 256, height = 256
Received save game message.
Ingnoring message.
Saving a game.
Calling TextureManager::SaveGame
Shader index = 8
Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000
Found float: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader Godrays.fx has 32 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Shader ColorEffects.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000
Shader obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 256, height = 256
Received save game message.
Ingnoring message.
Saving a game.
Calling TextureManager::SaveGame
Shader index = 8
Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000
Found float: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader Godrays.fx has 32 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Shader ColorEffects.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000
Shader obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 256, height = 256
Received save game message.
Ingnoring message.
Saving a game.
Calling TextureManager::SaveGame
Shader index = 8
Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000
Found float: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader Godrays.fx has 32 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Shader ColorEffects.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000
Shader obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 256, height = 256
Received save game message.
Ingnoring message.
Saving a game.
Calling TextureManager::SaveGame
Shader index = 8
Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000
Found float: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader Godrays.fx has 32 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Shader ColorEffects.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000
Shader obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 256, height = 256
Received save game message.
Ingnoring message.
Saving a game.
Calling TextureManager::SaveGame
Shader index = 8
Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000
Found float: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader Godrays.fx has 32 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Shader ColorEffects.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000
Shader obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
Alt Render target - width = 256, height = 256
Received save game message.
Ingnoring message.
Saving a game.
Calling TextureManager::SaveGame
Shader index = 8
Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000
Found float: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader Godrays.fx has 32 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Shader ColorEffects.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000
Shader obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 256, height = 256
Received save game message.
Ingnoring message.
Saving a game.
Calling TextureManager::SaveGame
Shader index = 8
Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000
Found float: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader Godrays.fx has 32 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Shader ColorEffects.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000
Shader obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
Alt Render target - width = 1920, height = 1080
Alt Render target - width = 256, height = 256
Received save game message.
Ingnoring message.
Saving a game.
Calling TextureManager::SaveGame
Shader index = 8
Shader ssao_perf.fx has 8 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader ssao_test.fx has 10 parameters.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - NoiseText - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader DepthOfField.fx has 14 parameters.
Found float: name - DoFAmount, size - 1, data[0] - 0.050000
Found float: name - FullFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.100000
Found float: name - NoFocusRange, size - 1, data[0] - 0.600000
Found float: name - DepthPower, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - FocusPoint, size - 1, data[0] - 0.500000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - m44proj, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Shader Godrays.fx has 32 parameters.
Found float: name - globalmul, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - morningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 2.300000
Found float: name - eveningshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 3.500000
Found float: name - goldendecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - noonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - noondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - moonshaftex, size - 1, data[0] - 0.090000
Found float: name - moondecay, size - 1, data[0] - 0.880000
Found float: name - showraypass, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - startsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found float: name - endsunrise, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - startevening, size - 1, data[0] - 17.000000
Found float: name - endevening, size - 1, data[0] - 21.000000
Found float: name - Density, size - 1, data[0] - 0.900000
Found float: name - Weight, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - goldensaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.540000
Found float: name - noonsaturate, size - 1, data[0] - 0.010000
Found float: name - Luminance, size - 1, data[0] - 0.440000
Found float: name - fMiddleGray, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - fWhiteCutoff, size - 1, data[0] - 0.990000
Found float: name - m44view, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f3EyeForward, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - f4SunDir, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - t, size - 1, data[0] - 0.767327
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Shader CelShader+EdgeAA.fx has 16 parameters.
Found texture: name - lastpass - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found texture: name - Depth - not in texture list.
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 2, data[0] - 0.000521
Found float: name - edgeStrength, size - 1, data[0] - 15.000000
Found float: name - edgeAABlurAmt, size - 1, data[0] - 0.040000
Found float: name - blurCoordWG, size - 8, data[0] - -2.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitudeWG, size - 8, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurCoord, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - blurMagnitude, size - 12, data[0] - 1.000000
Shader ColorEffects.fx has 16 parameters.
Found float: name - Saturation, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Brightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - Contrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GContrast, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - GBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 1.000000
Found float: name - FGIntensity, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - BHMagnitude, size - 1, data[0] - 10.000000
Found float: name - BHBrightness, size - 1, data[0] - 4.000000
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - f4Time, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000000
Found float: name - greyscale, size - 1, data[0] - 0.299000
Found float: name - rcpres, size - 1, data[0] - 0.000521
Shader ColorMood.fx has 6 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - fRatio, size - 1, data[0] - 0.800000
Found float: name - moodR, size - 1, data[0] - 0.400000
Found float: name - moodG, size - 1, data[0] - 0.270000
Found float: name - moodB, size - 1, data[0] - 0.330000
Shader obsharpen.fx has 3 parameters.
Found texture: name - thisframe - not in texture list.
Found float: name - sharpval, size - 1, data[0] - 8.000000
Received ExitGame message.
Calling Release Device
Releasing thisframe surface.
Releasing thisframe texture.
Releasing lastpass surface.
Releasing lastpass texture.
Releasing lastframe surface.
Releasing lastframe texture.
Releasing shader vertex buffer.
Depth buffer : Lost device callback.
Releasing the depth buffer surface.
Releasing the depth buffer texture.

Also, do I have to create the shaderlist.txt file for it to do anything at all? Or will I see a difference without it? The way I understood it, OBGE automatically enables the shaders that come with it even if they're not in shaderlist.txt.

EDIT: Also, I noticed on Youtube that people were using a console command "showtestshader" this does nothing for me. What am I doing wrong?
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Marine Arrègle
Posts: 3423
Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 5:19 am

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:13 pm

what shader's besides obsharpener and colormood can be used on a SM2.0 card? or is that it? I'm hoping to get a HD 4670 soon, I'm to broke to get a new MB so I can use PCIe cards, so I'm stuck at that one card.
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Jah Allen
Posts: 3444
Joined: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:09 am

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:50 pm

im running on a ATI 4890 and having a few problems. God rays seem to work? but OBGE creates a bug where the body isnt visible underneath the water, as many others have reported. Also, cant seem to get depth of field to work so im using qarls/timeslip. Are there certain values i have to put in?
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helen buchan
Posts: 3464
Joined: Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:17 am

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:21 am


Sorry about not answering any questions, but I'm not doing any modding ATM, RL is too busy.
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kiss my weasel
Posts: 3221
Joined: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:08 am


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