Try typing this into the console while in game:
set RenCrimeVersion.overrideturnoff to 1
And that might fix your issues with 2.07. RGO 2.08 should automatically fix this issue - which I assume is because RGO is not properly turning on because you are using an Alternate Start Mod.
Just wanted to add that I'm experiencing the same behavior from RGO.
I noticed this in one instance in the castle at Anvil: If I stand directly in front of a guard and steal an item, I'll see the guard begin to mouth words, but without hearing any speach. Upon stealing a second item, the guard will shout, but will not attempt to arrest me.
I stole an item in front of an NPC. The NPC behaved in the exact same manner I described the guard behaving in. After moving to the throne room, where there is a guard, I waited for about 2 minutes. After roughly 2 minutes of doing nothing but facing the guard, the guard suddenly charged over and started the arrest dialog.
The suggested fix (set RenCrimeVersion.overrideturnoff to 1) had no effect. Entering the string in the console and then exiting/reentering the castle also had no effect.
Reneer, do you have a new post up somewhere? The old post for discussing your mod (the one linked from texnexus) hit it's post limit a couple of weeks ago. As soon as I have a place to post, I'll get the info you need from Pluggy and post it.