Did you say that there are another TWO places available? If yes, then here I go:
Name: Espell Senlorr
Age: 23
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Birthsign: The Lover
Occupation/Class: Alchemist/Alchemist
Occupation/Class description: He was born with a gift. He knows what to pick and where to find it, how to mix it and so on. He's a professional at this, although he does not really enjoy it much. He REALLY likes poetry and philosophy. He's very romantic and likes long walks on the beaches (Okay, the beaches part is a joke...). Very charming and likeable and a great negotiator, but tends to break law to help others or to gain something very often.
Physical Appearance: Extremely handsome. Never had a problem getting girls. Short-Medium Brown hair, and turquoise eyes. His body is quite of a normal state (Nor muscular nor skinny) and he's 5 foot 9. Although the softness of his skin just proves how much of a puss... I mean how inexperienced at battle he is. No beard, no moustache. Ermm, normal brown eyebrows I guess. Always smiling, always happy. Well not ALWAYS, but most of the time.
Clothing: Usually wears a blue denin short sleeved shirt, and rough brown denin toruses. His shoes are made of leather though.
Important Clothing of Note: He has a ring that allows him to walk on lava. A very rare ring, passed through his family for generations. Many tried to buy it of him, but he never plans on selling it (Overpowered? Tell me what you think please, if yes I'll edit the post and change it).
Weapons (If Any): None. He always believed that talking and communication are the way forward.
Mental Description: He easily makes friends. Likeable and a great leader in most cases. Thinks a lot about his family, even though he knows that they're all gone. Easily makes tough decisions and despite all, he turns out to be quite tough when doing so. Maybe he's not a good fighter, but he'd do anything to save someone he likes or loves, even give his own life for them. Very brave, not afraid of death, magic and most creatures apart from...
Any Phobias/Illnesses of Note: He's terrified of the undead. Just thinking about that this sick Zombie had a family, gives him the a cold feeling. Only had Astral Vapours when a child, and was never sick again.
Karma: Chaotic Good
Short Biography: Born in High Rock and lived there till' he was 8, so he doesn't remember much. When his father died, he, his mother (Afraina Senlorr) and his sister (Guweena Senlorr) moved to Cyrodiil, to the city of Bravil. He lived there for a while, and when he became 16, he joined the local Mages Guild. The Mages Guild seen potential in him, knowing how amazing of an Alchemist he was. Although he didn't like the job, he decided to continue doing it because of how much money it got him and his family.
When 21, he was kicked out of the Mages Guild because it was discovered that he had a romance with the 20 year old daughter of the Arch-Mage that was currently living in Bravil. Two years later, his mum died of old age and his sister disappeared mysteriously. He decided to leave the city and camp far outside of Bravil, feeding on what the nature had to offer. He stepped into the city now and then to sell his potions in the Fair Deal, but he didn't stay there for long.
Any Other Thing of Note: This is a completely reversed version of a character I actually was thinking of making, but oh well. He seems cool enough (I wanted to do a cold blooded ugly Nord that drinks all the time xD). Note that this character has many more secrets that will be revealed in the RP

If I get in of course :hubbahubba: