» Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:37 pm
@Hanaisse: I didn't want the water to be blue, I wanted it gone. It was interfering with the landscape texture. Thanks for that key command, though, that definitely helped.
Now I need help getting past the blasted half-black texture bug, because the Python script given on the CS Wiki is horribly outdated and won't run on the newer versions of Python, it would seem.
EDIT: I am running the CSE, but for some strange reason, it's not fixing the pink water. It does seem to be operating correctly, though, so I can't say what the problem could be.
EDIT 2: I suppose I could always hand-stitch the texture, since I do know the resolution (1024*1024). I just need to tediously assemble all the partial textures then vertically flip the canvas so the texture is properly applied by the game, and I can do all that in Paint.Net.