Podcast, Stealth and other things

Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:42 pm

First off all don't get me wrong I'm extremely excited about skyrim. Sorry about this little ramble

Okay I have just finished the GI's Podcast. When I saw it was an hour long I went straight to this Forum expecting to see a bucket load of threads about the podcast. There wasn't. Now I understand why, there wasn't any really much substantial things to discuss. I blame the hosts. They seemed very uninterested with Todd, they asked to the most part useless questions. I think Todd would have had a lot more interesting stuff to say if they asked good questions. Seriously when I first read that question from the Fallout fan Warbuff I thought there is no way this will be asked (because I saw a lot of insightful and well thought out questions. I'm guessing they chose the questions on the spot because there didn't seem to be any real planning involved. I'm pleased that the GI hub thing is over now.

Does anyone else feel that Stealth will be well inferior to Combat and Magic. I'm saying this because we have had a ton of info of say you want to play a Warrior or Mage but not really a thief...?

Also how do other people feel about the spoiler that Todd gave?. At the time I was very disappointed but having thought about it more i realize it will come at a time when you will be caught by surprise.

I really do think that Skyrim will be a great game and my anger is mostly at GI.

Edit- Also i want to hear more about the races and how they're improved from ob
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Adam Porter
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:47 am

Does anyone else feel that Stealth will be well inferior to Combat and Magic.

I don't see how.

Also how do other people feel about the spoiler that Todd gave?

Doesn't spoil me anymore because I forgot what he said :shrug:

Other thread for Podcast is here http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1164401-were-you-happy-with-the-gameinformer-podcast-information/
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:07 am

I don't see how.


Especially since used stealth as an example for finishing strikes. Plus they added alchemy to the stealth list. I don't see how either.
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Taylor Thompson
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:23 pm

I'm probably wrong and they must be planning to discuss stealth more at a later date.
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:33 am

There's a transcript of the podcast in my signature if anyone needs exact quotes.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:15 am

I think stealth will be better actually. Don't remember where exactly, but I remember hearing or reading somewhere that Archery will be more lethal, but it'll take longer to get a shot off... and if you're a good stealth character, you've got all the time in the world to make sure you send that arrow through that Nord's head.
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Anne marie
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:08 am

Does anyone else feel that Stealth will be well inferior to Combat and Magic.

As long as it's not inferior to Oblivion. In Oblivion I thought combat was the most annoying pure playing style. Seemed to be mostly hack, slash, and some blocking which could get very drawn out with higher level enemies like goblin warlords. What made stealth fun is the strategy involved in placing critical hits to take tough foes down. Stealth done right actually seemed more "overpowered" to me than combat. That being said, I like how stealth was done in Oblivion and all I can hope is they build on it for Skyrim.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:31 pm

I'm probably wrong and they must be planning to discuss stealth more at a later date.

Thanks, I was really looking for something like this.
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:42 am

I'm sure the Stealth Alchemy will add all sorts of possibilities; smoke bombs, distractions, poisons and sleeping gas.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:21 am

I've also been pretty disappointed about the lack of information about stealth - at the very least, they're not talking it up in the same way they are combat and magic. Really, the main things that have been said about stealth concern its role in combat - critical strikes with a dagger, and archery.

But what about the elements of stealth that make it really useful (or should make it really useful) outside of combat? Sometimes you just don't want to have to deal with the risks involved in combat, even if it is stealthy combat. We've hard a little about sneak, and the improvements to NPC AI. This is good. But what about the effects of different clothing/armour, the effects of light and shadow? Will we have the option of using the in-game physics to fool the NPC AI - like throwing an item to create a distraction? And that's just to do with Sneak. But what about Security and Speechcraft?
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emily grieve
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:06 am

I've also been pretty disappointed about the lack of information about stealth - at the very least, they're not talking it up in the same way they are combat and magic. Really, the main things that have been said about stealth concern its role in combat - critical strikes with a dagger, and archery.

But what about the elements of stealth that make it really useful (or should make it really useful) outside of combat? Sometimes you just don't want to have to deal with the risks involved in combat, even if it is stealthy combat. We've hard a little about sneak, and the improvements to NPC AI. This is good. But what about the effects of different clothing/armour, the effects of light and shadow? Will we have the option of using the in-game physics to fool the NPC AI - like throwing an item to create a distraction? And that's just to do with Sneak. But what about Security and Speechcraft?

That post sums up what I really should have put in my OP, thanks for that :biggrin:
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:17 am

Yep stealth has finisher moves now all you gotta do is sneak up to an enemy and well.. slice his throat ASSASSINS CREED STYLE, no idea if its like that but hey I can dream.
Marksmanship has vastly improved IMO for example if you want to go hunting/dungeon raiding ect with bow and arrow you won't need to bring 50+ arrows now. (Even though I took 150+ arrows this what they said though) This tells me bow and arrow is probably the most damaging weapon, but probably the hardest to use. I would also expect penalties at close range unless a perk fixes that ^^

As far as Alchemy goes... well I'd expect Alchemy Warefare. Poisons, lots of poisons. Also possibly explosive potions and alchemy based traps considering traps are now confirmed but I've only heard about the "Destruction" form of this.. However if it's in destruction theres a good chance it's in for alchemy and possibly smithing for things such as "Bear Traps".

Edit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-A0LDp0e9X4 Everyone wants to be an Alchemist :)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:10 am

I've also been pretty disappointed about the lack of information about stealth - at the very least, they're not talking it up in the same way they are combat and magic. Really, the main things that have been said about stealth concern its role in combat - critical strikes with a dagger, and archery.

But what about the elements of stealth that make it really useful (or should make it really useful) outside of combat? Sometimes you just don't want to have to deal with the risks involved in combat, even if it is stealthy combat. We've hard a little about sneak, and the improvements to NPC AI. This is good. But what about the effects of different clothing/armour, the effects of light and shadow? Will we have the option of using the in-game physics to fool the NPC AI - like throwing an item to create a distraction? And that's just to do with Sneak. But what about Security and Speechcraft?

I think Sneak and Security will be 1 but branched out diffrently through perks. Don't think if security and sneak are combined there will be LESS content infact with perks there is a good chance there will be a lot more. Especially when there isn't 20-30-50 perks but rather 280.

There were 21 skills in oblivion with 4 perks per skill = 84 perks in total...
18 skills in skyrim with diverse skill/perk tree = 280 perks........................... That's over 300% (3.4x) increase in skills/perks
Not to mention we get Dragonborn Powers 20 Cofirmed and who knows what else comes with Dragonborn powers.......

:bowdown: Bethesda... The people on these forums including myself are so spoiled... they do so much for us yet we just want more and more... DUAL WIELDING i mean come on... that was sooo HUGE of a topic back in Oblivion days and they listened to us and gave it to us and now it's not even a topic on these forums... spoiled!
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:27 am

Archery, longer time to draw but larger damage, this benefit stealthy players as the first strike will get a huge damage multiplied with the stealth damage.
Daggers has a * 10 stealth multiplier.

I found stealth worked pretty well in Oblivion, fallout added the danger stage where enemies was aware that something was going on but not detected you. So I except stealth to be less changed than combat and magic because it works best today.
Yes probably changes on theft also hope jails get an update.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:44 pm

It will be pretty fun making diversions and poisoning your dagger before sneaking up for that killing strike
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:41 am

I think Sneak and Security will be 1 but branched out diffrently through perks. Don't think if security and sneak are combined there will be LESS content infact with perks there is a good chance there will be a lot more. Especially when there isn't 20-30-50 perks but rather 280.

Don't worry, I'm not inclined to buy the general argument that losing skills means losing content.

But I am a little worried about this specific case, because it seems that if Sneak and Security were combined into a single skill, then we'd probably get the same sort of stealth gameplay as in Oblivion. So, the single skill might just govern your general ability to remain undetected. Then there are perk trees for lockpicking and disarming traps, for stealth kills, and for reducing penalties for wearing armour (or something like that). If that's the way it works, that's pretty much Oblivion all over again.

I would have much preferred Bethesda to have thought about some new mechanics we could play around with for stealthy characters, and some extra degrees of customisation. Security in particular could have been beefed up a little. Instead of just being a general ability to pick locks and disarm traps, it could have been turned into a general "Thieves Tools" type skill, where you have a few more tools for doing interesting things. So not just tools for picking locks and disarming traps, but perhaps also tools for cutting glass to enter houses/castles through windows.

Sneak also has the potential for a few interesting perk trees - stealth kills, reducing penalties for wearing armour, pickpocketing, ability to cast spells without being detected, etc. etc.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:57 am

Just wait till we get the chance to send questions to Beth. There won't be any bad questions asked to Beth unless they select bad questions on purpose.
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