[censored] IT! CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT EVERYTHING THEY TAKING OUT, DON'T MATTER HOW BAD IT LOOKS ITS GOING TO MAKE THE GAME BETTER IN SOME WAY, THEY ARE TAKING SOMETHINGS OUT AND ADDING NEW ONES, IN THE END SKYRIM IS GOING TO BE A COMPLETELY UNIQUE GAME THAT NOT ONLY ME BUT EVERYONE SAYING THAT "ITS GOING TO svck NOW THAT I KNOW THE TRUTH BLAAH BLAHH BLAH!" ARE GOING TO ENJOY AS HELL!!!! [censored] it i hate people who keep trying to find bad things in cool games, relax! it is going to rock! they are not [censored] it up, they made it pretty clear that the R-P-G thing its going to be there...and well. at least its going to be better then oblivion, and oblivion was a pretty fun game to play, i played thousands of hours lol maybe it can be even better than morrowind, lets see, its not going to be anything like morrowind or oblivion, thats for sure.
Lol, exactly what I meant, though without the emotion.