How to implement real-time reading:
You can equip a book in one hand, like a weapon.
By drawing the book, you pull it up and open it to the "First" page of readable text (They'll likely give it a number of "Filler" pages before that one just for aesthetics), supporting it with your palm against the spine, thumb between the pages, and fingers supporting the cover. It can be read in 1st-person by looking down at a 45
o angle, and at a mild degree toward the hand (but still readable). Unlike other weapons, the hand/arm position is static.
With one hand, you turn the page by pressing the action button. It animates your thumb flipping the page.
Unfortunately, to turn
back a page, you'd have to close the book by "sheathing" it, then drawing it again (Opening it to the first page again), then re-thumbing to the desired page by clicking the action button the desired number of times.
If you have 2 hands to hold the book:
by "Drawing" it, you open it to the first page, but hold it by the bottom of its cover with both hands, thumbs toward the outside of the page. It's held at the same downward angle, but without the awkward angle.
To advance a page, you click the right action button (or pull right action trigger for consoles). You use your left hand to turn the page.
To go back a page, you click teh left action button, and use your right hand to turn the page.
You bring the book up directly in front of your face if you push both action buttons (Instead of blocking) If you're reading a newspaper and sitting on a bench when you do this, there's a chance nobody will recognize you, even if they were pursuing you and
saw you sit down and pull out the newspaper 
(Some might ask "which way did he go?")
Pressing both action buttons when "Sheathing" the book keeps your page.
Then, you can still read, or walk around with a book open, and even fight with the book. You get to choose how much attention you pay to the book (You can look up if something interesting happens.) if you don't like the book cluttering your view, you can put it away. All around, a very fun and realistic-ish system.