A Matter of Body Types

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:36 am

Now, this is my first day on the beth forums and I have noticed that a lot of people are concerned with their choice of their characters
body type in the game of Brink.

You may be asking:
"If I am a heavy, I cannot use the S.M.A.R.T. system, but I can take a lot of damage and use heavy weapons."
"If I am light, I can jump around like crazy, but i cannot use heavy weapons."

Now, these statements sound like they are true, but my GameStop clerk actually went to Pax and was apparently the #3 guy on the Brink Demo
leader boards, and this is what he told me about the body types of the game in a chart that I have formed:

-The Heavy Body Type-
Agility: Low, but you still have some agility vs none at all
Damage Resistance: High
Use of Heavy Weaponry: Extremely Well

-The Medium Body Type-
Agility: Good
Damage Resistance: Average
Use of Heavy Weaponry: Good, but you move slower while holding it vs how the Heavy handles it

-The Light Body Type-
Agility: Extremely Good
Damage Resistance: Low
Use of Heavy Weaponry: Low, with the same aspects of the medium but moving even slower.

So with this information I have gathered, there are no limitations to the weaponry and agility options that you have.
There are just some body types that are better than others in certain aspects.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:33 am

Your body type WILL determine what kind of weapons that you can use and your body type also effects your Health Bar and how well you can use SMART. I'm not sure what specific SMART options are exactly unavailable to the different body types, for my own knowledge, so I'm guessing at how your agility when it comes to your acrobatic skills.

1. Light:
-Health: Low
-Agility: High, you can use the most advanced SMART moves and get around the map quickly and if you can see a way to get somewhere then you can get there.
-Weapons: Pistols, SMGs, and Long Rifles

2. Mediums:
-Health: Medium
-Agility: You have decent movement speed and can get use the SMART system but don't expect to do insane parkour moves like a light.
-Weapons: Pistols, SMGs, Assault Rifles, and access to the Lobster Grenade Launcher

3. Heavies
-Health: High
-Agility: "Hey guys, wait up!" You will not be able to move quickly and have limited SMART options.
Weapons: Everything including Heavy machine guns and the automatic grenade launcher. If it shoots then a heavy has access to it.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:57 am

theres already a few is these body type threads around here somewhere ;)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:13 am

So what your saying APsycoticMoose is that we can pick up weapons and that any body type can pick up any weapon?
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Madeleine Rose Walsh
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:25 am

How did he know about the other bodytypes when the only one you could play was the normal bodytype?
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Jessica Nash
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:15 am

Now, this is my first day on the beth forums and I have noticed that a lot of people are concerned with their choice of their characters
body type in the game of Brink.

You may be asking:
"If I am a heavy, I cannot use the S.M.A.R.T. system, but I can take a lot of damage and use heavy weapons."
"If I am light, I can jump around like crazy, but i cannot use heavy weapons."

Now, these statements sound like they are true, but my GameStop clerk actually went to Pax and was apparently the #3 guy on the Brink Demo
leader boards, and this is what he told me about the body types of the game in a chart that I have formed:

-The Heavy Body Type-
Agility: Low, but you still have some agility vs none at all
Damage Resistance: High
Use of Heavy Weaponry: Extremely Well

-The Medium Body Type-
Agility: Good
Damage Resistance: Average
Use of Heavy Weaponry: Good, but you move slower while holding it vs how the Heavy handles it

-The Light Body Type-
Agility: Extremely Good
Damage Resistance: Low
Use of Heavy Weaponry: Low, with the same aspects of the medium but moving even slower.

So with this information I have gathered, there are no limitations to the weaponry and agility options that you have.
There are just some body types that are better than others in certain aspects.

I have never heard once that lights or mediums can use heavier weapons even at an disadvantage.

As far as SMART is concerned.

Lights can interact with stuff 15 feet overhead

Mediums at anything at eye level

Heavy anything at waist height
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