No. The Khajiit name for Boethiah would be Boethiah. If you want to include him, make him a Breton or Imperial warrior-mage who ended up being a god to a bunch of crazy cultists who wanted to make a Jerusalem in the desert.
The Khajiit do have their own names for some of the gods/daedra princes though.
And I'm sure the daedric prince of deception has many faces throughout the Empire!
But having a bunch of crazy cultists is a great idea as well.

Well, in Arena they weren't. They've been retconned to being near Rimmen since.
I thought so. I saw a couple of maps with the Halls of the Colossus marked up in the hills near Rimmen, but reading the Arena text it says the Halls of the Colossus are somewhere overlooking the sea, which I guess would have to be Topal Bay in the south. I like the idea of the south better, a giant crumbling ruin deep in the jungle draqed overgrown with vines.