Great feedback! Thanks all!
I should have a new build out today that includes LOD for the Isle of Slart and Bartholm and a few other changes.
* Grok Gro-Hammer ( the one with the voice of an assassin matched with the dialogue of a police officer ) has a topic called Bounty Hunter. After the quest finishes the topic doesn't remove itself. Selecting the topic had him demand the same contract on the same person as before, the escaped prisoner mage. This lead to a quest that can't be finished because the person had been killed erstwhile. Btw, he said I was 'authorized to use deadly force.' I couldn't give him a 10-4 copy on that. He'll have to call an APB on the suspect.
Did you try to kill the mage again? That quest is repeatable. It has 5 possible badguys. They should respawn and be re-killable. (It's on the list to add more. Im thinking 10 so the chance of a repeat is less)
10-4 Too funny! He's a cop It just seemed like a cop line

I'll have to think about his voice. It's just my voice with a slight time and pitch change. But, he has a bunch of lines at this point it'd be quite a task to change him. And I'm not sure what I'd change him too. Which other voice works better for him? Or do I need to start working on another bad impression

* The quest of the two lovers takes us to the chapel undercroft. Eranyon had taken too much time creating the Dagger of the Lich Killer. Choosing the wait 24 hours option didn't help in pronto-ing up the operation and I only witnessed his return after another 24 hour delay. By now the chapel undercroft was reset / respawned. Guess what I found in the same container as before... the Dagger of the Lich! I didn't check the staff location. Finally, there was the confrontation between all of us and the Lich Thing. This may have been intended or not, but for me it died after three strikes! This felt anticlimactic because the presence of the two lovers implied that it would take the three of us to kack the former boss of them. But it was all over in the span of three seconds! At least there was a happy ending.
I've fixed the chests they shouldn't respawn now. I'll look into the long wait. (Initially he made the dagger in bartholm, but I removed the enchanting station and made him travel for game consistency) It is a simple 3 count of strikes to take the lich thing down. Without that dagger equipped he takes no damage. But I see what you are saying about it being anti-climactic. I'll think about it.
1.) Carry-over visual anomaly from 6.0: The buildings, barricades, light posts, etc. in the village on the island (where the governor and legion are housed) turn a solid light-gray mass when viewed at certain angles.
Hopefully the new LOD changes will fix that. I just noticed it for the first time this version. I wonder if its a video card issue. (new machine since I modded last) I'll look into it more.
2.) New glitch, not present (to my knowledge) with 6.0: Grok gro-Hamner (sp???) gave me a new Bounty Hunter quest. Only, neither the initial quest nor any of its updates appeared in my active journal. Instead, they appeared (correctly dated) in my Completed Quest section. They were usable that way, but it obviously isn't right. Likewise, I took another Bartholm Courier quest and found that it too only appeared in my Completed Quest section. As with Bounty Hunter, it updated properly, only in the wrong section. I also picked up two new quests (with no equivalent in 6.0). Those gave proper active-journal entries.
Actually, this is by design. I suspect that you took the quest previously and completed it. Initially the quests would never end since they were repeatable. But people didn't like that it (and several other repeatable bartholm quests) would clog up their quest log. So after the first time through, the quest completes. Let me know if I'm wrong. Maybe I made a mistake somewhere.
Spoiler Not a glitch: Just wanted to mention how much I enjoyed hearing a certain quest NPC read off a list of needed ingredients. Gave me a nice chuckle.
Hehe thanks! Just played the game recently thought I'd give it a nod.