This is the main point to take into consideration. Sure, Just Cause 2 had a massive open world. But did every NPC in JC2 have a specific routine, with a specific inventory, their own place of work to go to during the day and a home to return to at night, stopping for dinner at the right times, visiting the chapel every Sunday?
I'm pretty sure that a games graphics engine and AI are two separate things. There have been many games that have licensed one middleware for graphics and rendering, one for physics, and one for pathfinding/AI. I'm not saying Skyrim SHOULD use the avalanche engine necessarily, but having better AI does not prevent Bethesda from using a different graphics engine.
Also, JC2 may have been big, but I bet if you ran through a forest in that game you wouldn't find anywhere near as much detail as you can in Oblivion. Not just tall swaying grasses and animated trees, but harvestable flowers, wildlife such as deer and wild boar, and dungeons and ruins.
Actually, I think you would be very surprised at the up close detail in JC2 (I know I was). It handily beats Oblivion and FO3 in detail up close, and at a distance (the creatures would not be hard to add, and harvest-able items is merely adding an animation and a condition that allows it). JC2 also a very natural way of scaling the detail so that grass and object pop-in was very minimal, and the textures looked great at any distance. The only knock was that some of the environments were bland, but then again, deserts tend to be that way. The jungles were very detailed and atmospheric though.
It is disappointing to hear that Skyrim isn't any larger (I was hoping for double Oblivion's size) but it sounds like they've dropped the procedural landscape generation they used in Oblivion and created everything by hand this time around. So we've already been guaranteed incredibly detailed and beautiful environments with that, but we've also got a brand new tree engine, snow that falls and settles realistically, and a water fluidity system. I think I'll be okay with a similar sized world when they're packing in this much eye candy :happy:
Agreed about the size thing. Todd has actually stated that Skyrim is about the exact same size as OB, but with all the mountains, it will actually have less playable area. However, he said it should
feel larger due to having to walk around all the mountains. As long as they made the playable land much nicer looking and more interesting to explore, than I am fine with this. Still a tad disappointed that it's not at least a tad larger though. The only thing I worry about is that the game will look like a beefed up Oblivion (to me the screens partially confirm this). I think the biggest improvement they are going for is how the game feels though. If they improve things like animations, weather, and water like it sounds as though they have, the game should be a stunner.
Anyway, I just hope the creation engine can at least rival the avalance engine. JC2 did have amazing detail, scenery, draw distance, skies with real clouds, amazing weather and storm effects, great particles, and stunning lighting. If Skyrim can check all those graphical boxes, I will be a happy man!