Hi everyone, I was just wondering what the 'invisible color' was for images in books, (or icons too I guess) as when I try to insert one of my images into a book theres all this white space arround it (making it into a square) which clashes quite badly with the book background.
Any help is appreciated!
That would be controlled by the alpha channel of the texture -- the portion you want showing is white and the background black in the alpha channel to add the transparency so that the book page is shown instead of the white square around the pic
For example http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc189/JDFanning_bucket/alpha-2.jpg - so you need to make an alpha channel and be sure to save the texture in a DXT format that has at least a single bit Alpha channel (most people use DXT5 or DXT3 though DXT1 with a single bit alpha can be used (since there are no partially transparent portions)