While I am a huge fan of the many mods created by this community, I have never made any oblivion mods. Yet, recently I decided that I wanted to make a few changes, for personal use, to an incredible mod called TIE. Essentially, I am attempting to created a ESP that would override the parameters (attack dmg, item health, etc) for a few pieces items (weapons/armor) from Mehrunes Razor, Knights of the Nine, Battlehorn castle, and Shivering Isles so that their stats more closely align with the item changes that were made to Oblivion.esm by TIE. I am using the Oblivion CS version 1.2.404. Essentially, I am opening the CS and selection all of these mods and TIE. I am not selecting any file as a master because I would like to create a new ESP that can load last in my order that would override these other mods. To state this differently, I am attempting to make an addendum to TIE that would make changes to Mehrunes Razor, Knights of the Nine, Battlehorn castle, and Shivering Isles. However, I do not want TIE as the master because I want to be able to maintain my changes with future versions of TIE.
My problem is that the CS always crashes when I try to save my changes as a new ESP file. Even if I make absolutely zero changes, I still get a CS crash. Am I doing something incorrectly?
Thank you in advance for your guidance and suggestions.