who else is trying to pretend they don't know about this?

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:06 am

New Vegas is my second favorite game of all time right behind Fallout 1.

It depends on your standards. If you want a Morrowind clone, than no, you will probably hate Skyrim.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:46 pm

I hope that BGS doesnt do any dev diaries or anything like that. New Vegas was one of the most advertised games of all time. I don't want to see that with Skyrim. Hype the game. Don't spoil it.
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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:37 am

No, all hope is lost for me. :D
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roxanna matoorah
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:36 am

I didn't know a thing about FNV before I picked it up and I was still pretty disappointed. I recently went back to FO3 for the gazillionth time, but I never made it through a 2nd replay of FNV.

So for me at least, having no spoilers didn't add to the enjoyment of that game. Skyrim will either be great or fall flat on its own terms too, I'm sure.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:02 am

tl;DR, who all is sitting here, trying to resist looking into Skyrim? In fact why am I even here? This place has a magnetic pull I swear. >.<

I really want to get off this website, but I can't. I have nothing else to do. It frustrates me when I see a new GI update and I watch it. I don't want to, but I do.
I also wish that I didn't see anything in spoiler tags about the beginning of the game. :brokencomputer:
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louise fortin
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:35 am

Second outting is never as the same impact I think ppl forget this and are over critical of OB than MW because mw was there first love a 3d openworld rpg to really sink into, the games are never going to touch you as much as the first, I've played about 5000 hour of halo multi player and reach is by far the best ever halo but it now borese and that's alittle sadening but it just the way it is, it's not the games fault and like OP sad best thing to do is hide from the hype because at least then it's a surprise will nothing to live up to but it's self, I find my self wanting to hide from it like i didn't want to 'no' the beginning but it's out there already, 'by 'no' means is it fully explained but I 'no' enough to already be disappointed with my self... Problem is can't stop it's like they put some kind if crack in those updates...
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:13 am

I read it, but I don't get excited. I don't have high hopes for the game (I know it'll be awesome, but after years of let-downs, my hope for anything is pretty much just set on low), I know I'll play it and have fun, get inspired and draw some stuff... That's all I need. I'm not expecting it to be perfect, becasue let's face it - video games are not going to be perfect for a long time. Perhaps even after we're all dead and gone. So, I know it'll be awesome but at the same time, I don't get too excited.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:54 am

The cheese has slid off your cracker, New Vegas was astounding.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:58 pm

Hype and spoilers never bother me. The only thing that can hurt a game for me is it not living up to what came before it. Such as Fable 2. But even then I can enjoy a game for "what it is." So, no. I'll continue to consume all the new information about it and still play it for thousands of hours. :celebration:

Outlander sums up my thoughts best :foodndrink:
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:43 pm

I really want to get off this website, but I can't. I have nothing else to do. It frustrates me when I see a new GI update and I watch it. I don't want to, but I do.
I also wish that I didn't see anything in spoiler tags about the beginning of the game. :brokencomputer:

same here, I dont even click spoiler tags. And to everyone calling me out on not liking New Vegas, I opverhyped myself. I thought that it was going to be a completely new game, whereas it looked like a brighter Fallout 3 with a few more shiny features. Yes its a good game, but after all the hype it was a let down. That is why im trying not to get into the hype for Skyrim, I know it'll be amazing, but I don't want to get my standards screwed up like all the hype I got into did for Vegas.

All the new features? Thats what a quick skim of the manual all games come with is for. If I learn it at last minute it'll be "Oh, thats cool, lets see how it works." but if I learned it today, or a month before release, I would end up picturing a million differant things, and when it finally came out it would'nt be what I was expecting. When I first found Oblivion and Fallout 3 (I originally borrowed them from a friend) I put in so much time exploring the worlds, drowning myself in their questlines and crapping myself at the various features. (First behemoth without knowing what to expect? Hahaha that was amazing.) When I finally bought my own copies, and all of the DLC available for them, I had done everything I could think of in the games. But I continued to play them. When I heard of New vegas, I basically pitched my tent and camped out on the forums, snatching up all the news I could find like a starving madman. I was excited that I would be getting an all new experience in the Fallout universe. When I finally started to play it, all I could think was "this is'nt as fun as I had hoped. :/" but I continued playing it. After restarting several times due to save corruption, game breaking glitches and other bugs that Obsidian seemed to pretend didnt exist at the time, I had grown bored with the game. After completing it one time, I could'nt bring myself to replay it. It just didn't appeal to me like I had hoped it would, and whilst i'm sure Obsidian has fixed the game up a good bit, I don't see myself replaying it again for a while.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:27 am

I know the game will be good so I don't need to listen to every little thing, I hear some issues about new magic system or something like that but don't care, i just scare if werewolves&vampires are gonna make it into the full game or expansion..
This is a good plan for me so while I focus on this and ONLY this *maybe some story stuff* I won't get over hyped, I am super hyped for it as it is but atleast this way I can accually play another game instead of thinking about this game lets say while I play Bulletstorm?O_O

I am playing MW Bloodmoon right now so that is helping, camera in it is showing how it did not age well but I am enjoying it none the less and hope that I can play games like Bulletstorm when they come out instead of thinking about Skyrim like I have made the mistake of doing with games in the past.

EDIT: I also have so many damn games to play and books to read (cannibal cookbook anyone? its a funny book so don't freak!) :celebration: along with school work to deal with every Monday, also am waiting for [censored] to get in the mail so that is keeping me ok but I don't mean to say go spend all ur money and wait by the mailbox so you don't look up Skyrim info XD

I hated NV with a passion btw, I over hyped myself, even bought the CE on impulse, ended up selling that crap not even a full week and a half later to someone on Ebay for half the price -__- I wanted to get ride of it that bad that I took $40 off the price... I liked Fallout 3 alot but this one I just didn't care for because I looked up EVERY SINGLE DETAIL
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:31 pm

Over-hyped myself about oblivion was disappointed for 2 hours, enjoyed the other 200 hours
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:12 am

I personally like to know about the games I'm going to play.

I know that some secrets will get free but this being an elder scrolls game I'm sure there will be hundreds of 'oh, cool' moments.
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Isabella X
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:49 am

i still play morrowind, it is my favorite game ever, i bought it for £2 in cash converters (pawnbroker) until then i had never heared of TES
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:41 pm

Another post blindly blaming Obsidian when it was the fault of Bethesda Softworks (the publisher) not giving Obsidian enough time to test by possibly delaying the game (they maybe had 3 weeks for bug testing before shipping it). You forget that Fallout 3 was in development since 2004 technically (4 years) and was still quite buggy upon release, while New Vegas started just after Fallout 3 in 2008 (2 years) and was maybe about as buggy. I'd say for the small amount of time they had, being able to make something that is bigger, and (in a lot of people's cases) better than Fallout 3 is quite an accomplishment.

Anyways, at the OP. I understand how that feels. That's how I felt with Fallout 3 because of all the hype. I played through it once, and never did so again.

As for joining the hype wagon, I'm not really. Sure, I'm sort of excited for the game, but not at the point where I'm drooling at the mouth every time I see the word "Skyrim". I find it helps to have a small amount of pessimism towards games these days, because if you're too optimistic and hyped about them, chances are the game is going to disappoint you as soon as you pop it in and play it. And I can tell you some of the really optimistic people on here will be some of the first ones making "SKYRIM svckZ OBLIVAN WUZ MUCH BETTR!!!" threads after the game releases.

Sorry man but any decent developer knows it takes more than 3 weeks to de-bug a game like that. Do you have the source for referencing Bethesda giving Obsidian only 3 weeks? For some reason I don't buy it. Also I don't blindly blame Obsidian. I blame them with 22/20 vision. Like so many other games they have released it is broken on day one. That is just shoddy development. Sorry to hear that about F3. Better and more immersive game IMO but I only ever ran into 3 or 4 bugs in the game. NV i had several game breaking glitches
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:07 pm

The reason Obsidian's games are so buggy is because of the short development time. Obsidian only had 2 years to make FNV, and open world games like that take much longer to make.

Even though FNV had bugs, for me, its MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better than FO3. More immersive, better story, hell, MUCH better story, streamlined companions, reputation system. no level scaling, better quality world. The list is almost endless. The only way FO3 trumps FNV is through exploration, and Fallout was never built on exploration.

Now, I am 99.99% confident that Skyrim will be better than Morrowind and Oblivion.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:25 am

Yeah, I agree, dear poster.

BUT I can′t resist.
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naome duncan
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:34 pm

Seriously, this early and all this hype? I made a mistake with New Vegas, I kept my nose to my screen, reading every news article, listening to every podcast. I got hyped at all the rumors, and things that may be in the game. Then it was a let-down (Except the radio). Wheras, I had never heard of Bethesda, until I saw a friend playing Fallout 3, which I bought along with Oblivion. I enjoyed those games, because I knew so little about them, wheras with New vegas, I got bored after 1 playthrough, because I knew everything else. Yea, I know its my own fault for reading into it, but who else is refusing to look into Skyrim? This is the second time ive been on this forum, and all I know is the trailer is kick-ass, it comes out sometime in november (I know it says 11/11/11, but incidents can happen) and alot of people are crying about spears.

tl;DR, who all is sitting here, trying to resist looking into Skyrim? In fact why am I even here? This place has a magnetic pull I swear. >.<

also, to make this topic less worthless, what's everyone doing to bide time till we get closer to the release?

I'd prefer to know about any let-downs beforehand, so that I have enough time to come to terms with them to a degree that they won't spoil the experience of my very first playthrough. It's a lot better than just starting the game and going "WTF???!!!! No attributes?!!!".
Plus, I want to know whether it's worth preordering or waiting for a few months first.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:13 am

The reason Obsidian's games are so buggy is because of the short development time. Obsidian only had 2 years to make FNV, and open world games like that take much longer to make.

Even though FNV had bugs, for me, its MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better than FO3. More immersive, better story, hell, MUCH better story, streamlined companions, reputation system. no level scaling, better quality world. The list is almost endless. The only way FO3 trumps FNV is through exploration, and Fallout was never built on exploration.

Now, I am 99.99% confident that Skyrim will be better than Morrowind and Oblivion.

And therein lies the problem with obsidian. They deliver broken goods. EVERY time. I could not play the game due to game ending bugs.This is unacceptable for the amount of money that I paid for the game. If they have that much trouble producing a decent game they should not be making games. I could be more forgiving if maybe this was the companies first foray( I did forgive oblivion eventually) but ALL games obsidian delivers have a terrible QA phase. Folks have been defending them saying "oh the developement cycle was very short for them!". I am sorry but that exscuse isn't acceptable in the first place and furthermore should not happen with every game they produce.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:01 pm

And therein lies the problem with obsidian. They deliver broken goods. EVERY time. I could not play the game due to game ending bugs.This is unacceptable for the amount of money that I paid for the game. If they have that much trouble producing a decent game they should not be making games. I could be more forgiving if maybe this was the companies first foray( I did forgive oblivion eventually) but ALL games obsidian delivers have a terrible QA phase. Folks have been defending them saying "oh the developement cycle was very short for them!". I am sorry but that exscuse isn't acceptable in the first place and furthermore should not happen with every game they produce.

The thing is, Obsidian's games are heavily dialogue focused. Shooters, with just more explosions, are easy to make. Plus, Obsidia has no set engine, they work with many many engines, and I mean many.

Plus, Bethesda QUad the game :D
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Fiori Pra
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:17 am

New Vegas was a damn fine game. What're you on about?


Only problem I had with NV are the glitches. (still can't get Sierra Madre to work)

-Obsidian please read this(yeah I doubt they'll find this): Hire a new QA team or spend a bit more time in this phase.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:18 pm

The thing is, Obsidian's games are heavily dialogue focused. Shooters, with just more explosions, are easy to make. Plus, Obsidia has no set engine, they work with many many engines, and I mean many.

Plus, Bethesda QUad the game :D

Good point about Obsidian working with so many game engines. I've never actually considered how many engines they have utulized the past couple of years. Aurora, Unreal derivitive, Gamebryo. Maybe it is time for those folks to settle down and stop jumping at everything that get's offered to them. They have terrific game ideas but lack the technical savvy from running just one game engine for a period of time.
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