Good character type in Daggerfall...

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:10 am

So I just got Daggerfall installed and tried it a few times, Sure I'v played it before but it was ages ago, Anyways I'm having trouble with making a good class. I was to use primarilly swords, But also have some magic for utility, Like levitation and Recall and such.. So could someone give me a nice build for the skills and special advantages/dissadvantages, And stats..?

My last character dident to too well.. Aspecially not when I meet a Wraith in the starter dungeon that killed me in one hit... XD
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:14 pm

I like a Weapon Master class. Skills: all weapon skills plus Critical Strike. Level up by abusing a nice dungeon full of humanoid enemies.

But since you need spells: here's my basic fighter/caster type:
Primary: Long Blade, Archery, Critical Strike
Secondary: Mysticism, Restoration and a magic of your own choice, maybe Alteration. Destruction is not needed.
Then get Dodge as high as possible. I usually pick Climbing, Swimming, Dodge, Stealth, Mercantile and two others, maybe magic schools. Picking Running is bad idea since it hits 100 in the end and easies up leveling too much.

Now adays I use disadvantages to give me more challenge: phobia vs undead AND daedra (who wouldn't fear them, really?) Critical weakness vs some element, picking poison and disease is almost cheating since they're so rare.
Very few hitpoints per level to keep it interesting.
Advantages basically 3x INT in spell points, athleticism, rapid healing, expertise in Archery and Long Blade.

Speed is good to have high so you can outrun enemies and swing faster. Int if you need tons of spellpoints. Dont reroll too much or you end up having them all at 100 :I

I still haven't played a true mage with inability to use any weapons types... You would not like that :)
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:09 pm

Thanks for the tips. I put Long Blade, Archery and Critical Strike in Primary, Thaumaturgy, Mysticism and Restoration in Major and Climbing, Swimming, Dodging, Stealth, Streetwise and Etiquette in minor. My stats I put at STR 55, Int, Wis and End in 50, Agi and Speed in 60, Per in 45 and Luc in 30

And for Special Advantages I have 3X INT in spell points, Athleticism, Rapid Healing General, Expertise in Long Blade and Missile Weapon

While Special Dissadvantages are Critical Weakness to Disease and Poison.. I can always go making it harder for myself later when I have played the game more! XD
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kevin ball
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:19 am

Intresting.. I made two characters almost exactly the same, The same custom class with the same special advantages and dissadvantages and only minor diferences in the stats. But even though both has Rapid Healing the Argonian heals to full health (35 health) from almost dead (Arround 3 left) in 2 hours. While the dunmer heals the same ammount in about 9 hours..
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:08 pm

make a custom class, play around with it until you get something you like, i didnt like any of the pre made classes either because i wanted to be a great swordsman but also have stealth skills and pickpocket skills, so i made my own class which was an expert at longblade, pickpocket and stealth, i also have skills in archery, medical, hand to hand , and illusion. I dont have blunt or axe skills becasue i just dont use those weapons. I called it "Ninja" Class
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gemma king
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:20 am

Backstabbing is a great skill in general (especially for the "Ninja" above), since Stealth increases incredibly fast on its own and sooner or later you will catch a critter unaware no matter what your class.
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