Hello, I am creating a mod and part of it is to allow people to use misc items as weapons. So far I have made A Broom, a Bone, a Hoe, A Pickaxe, a Shovel, a Scythe, and a pair of shears playable. Threee of these are having issues, the Shovel, Pickaxe, and Hoe. All of the other weapons work fine, with the exception of a little clipping on the scythe, but the Three I listed are not held properly. They stay on the back or at the side weapon part and the user swings their hands like they were holding the weapons. I am taking other weapons and using there base to fit the misc items on if that is needed.
Shovel: Blunt-One Hand, base model was a steel warhammer.
Hoe: Blade-OneHand, base model was Glass Claymore
PickAxe: Blade-OneHand, base model was Steel Waraxe
If you need any more help I would be happy to post more information on each.