I was hoping to make Oblivion XP easier to translate by putting all the text strings in Strings.xml. I can do that for the menu text no problem, but I also wanted to include the text used in various message boxes in there as well. Does anyone know if there's anyway to read the text strings from Strings.xml? I thought I would use GetMenuStringValue but that requires a menu type and I don't know what to pass as the menu type for reading Strings.xml. I think Pluggy could do this, but I'd rather not use Pluggy.
I was thinking an alternative would be to put them all in an initialization type file and using RunBatchScript, but that would require I declare a whole bunch of string variables and I wouldn't be able to destroy them at the end of the script. I'm not even sure I could use set commands to set a string variable anyway - I usually use let.