I'm having a bit of a problem. I wrote this script that's supposed to make a custom spell:
{iCode, iArea, iDuration, iMagnitude, iRange, iType}
scriptName ccWMakeEffectItemref poisonref spellDummyint iCodeint iAreaint iDurationint iMagnitudeint iRangeint iTypebegin _function {iCode, iArea, iDuration, iMagnitude, iRange, iType} let spellDummy := DefaultPlayerSpell let poison := cloneForm spellDummy removeNthEffectItem poison 0 setSpellType iType poison setSpellMagickaCost 0 poison setSpellImmuneToSilence 1 poison setSpellDisallowAbsorbReflect 1 poison addFullEffectItemC iCode iMagnitude iArea iDuration iRange poison setFunctionValue poisonend
Then I made this, which is supposed to add a 1 Fire Damage ability on the player, after which - I thought - the ability would disappear. Only it doesn't. It kills me.
scn ccFire10int fDmgint iFiDgCref rFiDgref selfbegin _scriptEffectStart let self := getSelf let iFiDgC := getMECode "FIDG" let rFiDg := call ccTestMakeEffectItem iFiDgC 0 10 1 0 0 self.addSpellNS rFiDg let fDmg := 10 scribe "Damage: %.4f" fDmgend
Any ideas why?
Also, at the moment, the spell appears in the "active effects tab" as "heal minor wounds" - is there a way to change the displayed name?
Thank you!