obviously- tes isnt meant to be played like brotherhood so half the things wouldent work. but it was good that you could climb buildings and jump between them fairly well, and that you can dissarm opponents to leave them without a weapon and you with one. and that you can kick opponents so that they drop their guards. of course, ezio had infinite stamina and that wouldent be reflected in skyrim (so climbing up churches is a good way to suicide). you should be able to mimic ezio's acrobatic ability at level 75 acrobatics(and lots of restore fatigue potions)
of course, because this isnt assasins creed, there shouldent be random poles sticking out everywhere and we shouldent be able to fly through the city holding two buttons down and moving the anologue stick.
mirrors edge is also a pretty cool thing to base acrobatics on too (it would fit tes more aswell). its ALL first person, you can see your body. you can climb ledges, vault over low ledges, run on walls (for as long as gravity and momentum allows) slide under objects, swing on poles, do rolls to avoid fall damage, and boost yourself of walls. aside from having infinite stamina, important things glowing red and a slow motion it would fit perfectly into tes like mayonnaise in a chicken burger. you also had a disarm thing and you could do different hand to hand attacks depending on your position (slide tackle kick, punch to groin while ducking, flying kick while jumping, regular punching while standing.