» Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:02 pm
They could make the Telekinesis spell Specialized, a General spell for moving things around, and a Combat-Related Spell which has its own characteristics.
For example, you are battling some monster in the lower regions where there is no snow, only some rocks and other debris... You cast the spell and immediately (since you're using the Combat version) the number 1, 2, and 3 appear on your HUD. You click 1 for a rock sitting on a ground, 2 for a tree limb above you that seems kind of dry and brittle, and 3 is for the monster's own weapon, to see if you can rip it out its hand and toss it away.
Say you choose 1, the game assigns an animation sequence to the rock. The creature gets a chance to see it coming if the rock is 180 degrees in the their line of sight and if it sees it, it gets a chance to duck the stone. Otherwise the stone pluncks it in the head and has whatever affect that size rock would have. At low levels, maybe you can't lift more than 10 pounds. But later, you could hurl a 50 pound rock, or a 100 pound rock, at your enemy for an insane amount of damage if it lands successfully.
Say you pick 2, the game determines that branches brittleness and if sufficient, the branch breaks off and becomes like a club or a spear, only since it's striking from the top down, the creature can't see it coming, and maybe the damage is doubled or something.
Say you pick 3, the game tries to wrestle the monster's weapoon away from it. However, additional checks are needs since this is an RPG. So it checks against that monster's strength, it's agility (how fast can it react to what is going on), and determines a degree of difficulty. Then your character has to roll against your Power Level (a number that is determined by Level, Mana Points, and the number of spells you know). The two are pitted against each other and then at that time, your luck scores are attached to this equation and a random dice roll based on your luck helps to determine if you have the power to wrestle the weapon away. If so, it goes flying out of its hand and impales itself in the monster's back, or gets tossed away, depending on the successfulness of your roll and all the other factors.
The spell would work by searching the immediate environment (within your range useage of the spell) for items that could be used to attack (from a list hard-coded into the spell) ... and assign number on the keypad to them. You then have 3 seconds to make your best choice based on which you think will have the greatest affect. The games handles the rest quickly as you try to block the monster's next swing....