It′s a lot of work -> it takes a long time -> I have other projects under work -> I wouldn′t be able to even enjoy it myself
->> I guess I′ll drop the idea for now (read: I′ll never make one).

Today I remembered those stories they create for children, where one person starts the story, the second one says the next sentence, and the third one says the third sentence, and so on.
And I thought - maybe we could make quests this way? One person completes one quest stage. He doesn′t have to even KNOW how the quest plays that far, the story that far could be expressed in general terms.
I′m in the middle of studies, so I′ll keep it short, and leave much to your imagination. But the more I think about it, I feel it could work. Sure, the quest could become a bit fractured. But the whole deal would be that
-it wouldn′t take as much time for one person
-anyone involved could play the quest without knowing it already inside out
-the story itself could evolve to be funny as hell

Technically, I think it would be possible for everyone to simply test their own part of the quest, all they would need to know is the general "background story" so far, and the quest stage they need to set in order to start their own part of the quest.
The part could be anything, a cut scene, one fight, one dialog, one dungeon, one new location where the player goes (for example, this person simply feels like making an inn, and he reads the player is supposed to meet someone, so he decides it happens in that inn he makes, and that′s it, it′s for the next guy to figure out what happens there) - anything.
I genuinely think the project wouldn′t need an overseer, that knows the project and the quest inside out, as long as people make their part so that no items etc are required from previous stages. The overall, vaguely expressed story is logged somewhere, on the forums and/or a text file that′s passed forward with the esp. And of course, questions CAN be asked, but personally I think it would be fun not knowing things too well - just imagine playing the thing!

But I guess it all comes down to what people think about this - it kinda kills the whole idea if not enough fellow modders jump the train. But for now we can just discuss about it, no strings attached.