I would like to actually have something to do in the towns where my houses are located. In Oblivion the owned houses were not much more than resting and storage places. First of all I would like to be able to build my own houses the way I would like them to be. Just give me a plot of land and let's start building! I would also like to have a garden to grow my own ingredients. Make it easier to interact with the inhabitants of the cities and let me study to become a gardner, open up my own shop, become a chef or do something else to become part of the community. Becoming a blacksmith and designing and creating my own line of weapons would be a great option too.
If these things would be made possible I'm sure I would spend much more time playing the game. It would give me something to do even after the main storylines and quests have been played.
Also I agree with making the characters more human. Things like emotions, feelings, love and six are part of our every day world. Why leave them out of the game worlds?
Maybe it's just me but some actual differences between men and women would be nice too. In real life we're not the same either. Some extra gender-based skills maybe?