» Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:24 am
I know I'm going to have a custom control scheme for when friends come over...
R1 - ability 1
R2 - jump
R3 - Grenade
L1 - duck
L2 - ability 2
L3 ADS (hold, not toggle. Obviously)
Up - Fire weapon
Down - Smart/Sprint
Left - Ability 3
Right - Objective wheel.
Oh, and it'll be left stick aim, right stick move. So you have to press and hold the left stick down, while moving it, to line up a shot with the ironsights/scope, then press up on d-pad to fire. And you can't shoot and use SMART at the same time, because they're mapped to opposite D-Pad buttons, and you can't press both at once.
And my friends are usually drunk when they play games at my place, so it should take them a while to start blaming me instead of thinking the game just shipped with a stupid control scheme.