I'm not pretty sure if I'm right here but I'm experiencing a weird problem regarding EventHandlers. Its about the OnActorDrop event handler which I just cant get to work. I've been using this in my Quest-Script:
Begin GameModesetEventHandler "OnActorDrop" FnOnActorDropstopQuest BYCQuestEnd
And following is the Function code:
scn FnOnActorDropref dropperref droppedItembegin Function { dropper, droppedItem } print $droppedItem + " dropped by " + $dropperend
This is just a test and of course I will add filters later on, but this message does never show in the console. Neither if I drop an item per shift + right click in the inventory nor if I force an actor to drop an item per "actorRef.drop item 1". I have copied the EventHandler examples from the http://obse.silverlock.org/obse_command_doc.html#Events and they all worked. But just the "OnActorDrop" doesnt work. I'm out of ideas.
Has anyone experienced similar problems?
Any help is appreciated.
Ps.: Using OBSE v20 beta