Name: CDM - Evening Lockdown
Version: 1.0
Requirements: Latest Patch/SI Patch
What it Does :-
"Evening Lockdown" is a small Mod that makes Cyrodiil's various Towns (but not the Imperial City) lock their doors at night. It is a semi-realism Mod, attempting to convey the people�s fear of the Oblivion Crisis, and their attempts to keep themselves safe.
At 20:00 every night, the seven Towns will lock their Gates. At this time, the Map Markers will move and update to reflect this, having the word "(Locked)" ammended to their name. If you travel to them, you will appear outside of the Town.
If you are Inside the Town's walls when the Town Gates are Locked for the night, you will be Locked in, and will not be able to Fast Travel out of Town.
Town Gates are unlocked at 06:00.
If you manage to get outside of Town (For example, through Mods that add secret passageways; or Mark and Recall Spells), you will be able to Fast Travel as normal
1) Copy "CDM - Evening Lockdown.esp" to your Oblivion/Data directory
2) Check "CDM - Evening Lockdown.esp" in your Data Files menu
Note: Install Evening Lockdown early, so that anything which affects Town Gates/Map Markers can override Evening Lockdown�s effects.
1) Delete "CDM - Evening Lockdown.esp" from your Oblivion/Data directory
Known Issues:-
- Not Compatible with Open Cities
- May be Compatible with Better Cities (untested)
- If you are using non-English versions of Oblivion, the Names of Map Markers will not display the correct text, but will instead use the English text
Version: 1.0
Requirements: Latest Patch/SI Patch
What it Does :-
"Evening Lockdown" is a small Mod that makes Cyrodiil's various Towns (but not the Imperial City) lock their doors at night. It is a semi-realism Mod, attempting to convey the people�s fear of the Oblivion Crisis, and their attempts to keep themselves safe.
At 20:00 every night, the seven Towns will lock their Gates. At this time, the Map Markers will move and update to reflect this, having the word "(Locked)" ammended to their name. If you travel to them, you will appear outside of the Town.
If you are Inside the Town's walls when the Town Gates are Locked for the night, you will be Locked in, and will not be able to Fast Travel out of Town.
Town Gates are unlocked at 06:00.
If you manage to get outside of Town (For example, through Mods that add secret passageways; or Mark and Recall Spells), you will be able to Fast Travel as normal
1) Copy "CDM - Evening Lockdown.esp" to your Oblivion/Data directory
2) Check "CDM - Evening Lockdown.esp" in your Data Files menu
Note: Install Evening Lockdown early, so that anything which affects Town Gates/Map Markers can override Evening Lockdown�s effects.
1) Delete "CDM - Evening Lockdown.esp" from your Oblivion/Data directory
Known Issues:-
- Not Compatible with Open Cities
- May be Compatible with Better Cities (untested)
- If you are using non-English versions of Oblivion, the Names of Map Markers will not display the correct text, but will instead use the English text