The Journal of Lirielle Tailas
Chapter 1:
I was forced into wakefulness by a hateful, raspy voice. My head was pounding. Every word uttered by that voice was agony. Without opening my eyes, I could feel the damp, cold stone beneath my body. A light breeze swept over me, chilling to the bone.
What in Oblivion was I dreaming about?
Then there was the smell. By the Nine, that smell. I don’t have words to describe the awful odour of that place. It stank worse than the sewers of Bravil. Blood, sweat, and festering dirt all mixed into one foul concoction. It’s a wonder I managed to sleep.
That voice again. Heckling. Taunting. I cracked my eyes open just a little. I could see torchlight flickering in the hallway beyond the barred door. There! The voice! It was coming from the room opposite mine. With great difficulty I heaved myself to a sitting position.
“Oooh, look. A Breton. You don’t look so good.”
Came the voice again. Dunmer, definitely.
I made no reply. I just sat there trying to fight back the tears unsuccessfully. I wept for a full 10 minutes. I knew where I was. The Imperial Prison.
But how? How did you end up here, Lirielle?
“The guards are coming. For you.” Laughed the Dunmer in the opposite cell.
My stomach dropped further. Fear overwhelmed me and I wretched. I think I would have thrown up, had there been anything to throw up.
I can’t die. I’m only 17. I’ve got so much left to see, so much left to do. Dibella, save me.
I managed to haul my bruised and battered body to the seat in my cell, just as the guards stopped outside. I counted three guards. Two male, one female. There was another man, but I couldn’t place him anywhere. He was certainly rich, judging by his robes and the amulet around his neck.
That amulet, where have I seen it before?
“You there, prisoner. Stand up, over by the window.” Ordered the burliest guard.
I began to stand. My head roared its displeasure at the sudden movement, almost dropping me to my knees. Something kept me upright. It was like someone took a hold of me, gave me the strength I needed to continue the move.
Obviously there is more coming, I just thought I'd get the first bit written, so I have a base point.
Any C+C would be hugely appreciated as I've not written properly in a very, very long time, and as you can tell I've fallen out of practice.