I had the MMM + OOO option installed prior too.
Now I am glad to have tried FCOM. The 'small' installation misses all features of Warcry and Francescos,
both do change gameplay indeed. Also Armamentarium and Artifacts are must have mods.
Of course, you could say a small installation is the source of less bugs, and more likely to run,
But I wouldnt recommend it, since there are the FCOM omod installers out there (look in the Forum)
Its 4 OMODs all in all, and I really had no trouble at all, if you use wyre bash & the bashed patch.
I think you really should try, and leave the baby steps to babies. The horror stories were before the
well done installers. Of course, wyre bash is essential, thats why use it now. (One click starts OBMM, BOSS, etc.)
Another mod you were missing, or I didnt notice, which is very important, the Oblivion Stutter Remover.
This one made Oblivion for me just playable, like the way it should have been from the start.
The timestamp issue isnt really bothering me, BSA Redirection and ArchiveInvalidation... gives me the creeps.
If your file timestamp is before the Archive, or not up-to.-date, it wont load. thats the point, no matter what
ArchiveInvalidation does. Remind, even BSA's do contain redundant stuff.
Did experience trouble like this twice, and others too ( there are a lot of threads), perhaps Im too dumb for the OBMM method,
but I wouldnt know of a way that Oblivion tries to take the proper files, if its not the timestamp.
thats why I always update it on Tex, Sound, Mesh & Music after something went in. Just to be on the sure side.
PS: Another very important mod, not bloating your installation unnecessarily is Ambient Dungeon 1.3.
You should use the latter anyway, why not use em both, since its not more complicated than installing only MMM
I have to add, in general I am not the kind of player bloating his Oblivion installation in order to immediately run around
and kill everything but me, and say its the most fun part!
I do like the sophisticated touch, the more complex gameplay always giving you the choice.
Deadly Reflex & Co are great mods (hopefully the will improve further) and give a lot to combat action,
but its not all and everything. what I do like about FCOM is how they add unique stuff, like better enemies and npcs to oblivion.
just fyi.
FCOM: Fran does not change
gameplay much, not in FCOM. FCOM is largely a blowing up (a major, explosive one) of OOO with more weapons from Fran, enemies from WarCry, more weapons from Bob's, and more creatures (and a number of other things) from MMM. Some people do not want WarCry's enemies, and the weapon additions are weapon additions. They can be added to your game through their separate mods (maybe excepting RealSwords) but the advantage is that they are nicely merged into leveled lists.
Once, wastedUK has comfortably setup his? first (rather complex) modified setup and tried it out, then he
may want to try FCOM. A first-time mod user and a first-time FCOM user are, ideally, not at the same experience level. It can be and extremely frustrating process for the user and the helpers when the user lacks basic knowledge about installing mods. A little comfort with either OBMM, Wrye Bash or both, goes a long way when trying to take on the FCOM installation. There is not an equivalent installation process. It's actually kind of interesting to think about all of the mod usage knowledge the FCOM installation covers. It really requires the user to pay attention. There needs to be a big warning in bold lettering that says: "FOLLOW FCOM-SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS only WHEN TRYING TO INSTALL FCOM; otherwise, you will be confused by seemingly contradictory information."
#0 Prep: First (assuming you are on your way to installing FCOM without incident) you have to visit its main docs: the FCOM homepage and the latest thread. The latter is the only way to find out about the current updates. For the rest of the updated information, you have to visit MMM's thread as well. After getting updated, you need to go to the FCOM homepage and start reading the installation instructions. A first-time (FCOM) user, hopefully, reads the First-Time User Install Guide as well. Okay, so you've started. What new user knows how to do this, not to mention, efficiently? This already spawns the first post: "Where do I start?" (It does not matter that Shikishima took the time to explain this as explicitly as possible in the first post.) The first task, on the helpers' part, is to send the user to the FCOM thread after their first post in the Mods forum asking about it.
#1 Downloading: you have to download Fran (from PES), MMM and the latest updates (most easily from the links on the MMM thread opening post), OOO (1.33 and 1.34b5, most easily from PES) and then you have to follow the links on the FCOM homepage and/or the first post of the main thread for current links to the optional (but some strongly recommended) "other mods" (i.e., WarCry, Bobs, UOP, USIP, etc.) This requires following links on various types of pages, sites, whatever, paying attention to which version you download, downloading three different types of mod packaging (.exe, .omod and regular archives) and not being thrown off by page names (i.e., getting MOBS version of patches from the Fran page.) Oh, and I will not even go into the MOBS vs. OMOBS confusion, which largely results when users actually try to think about what they are doing, while assimilating information from various sources, current and dated. I think the number of pages and sites you have to visit to complete this task speaks for itself? This covers user in trouble questions from two to ten.
#2 Utilities: Let's see... You have to know how to use OBMM,
well. Archive invalidation has to be set, and order matters. Wrye Bash is required, I, for one, do not think setting up this utility is hard at all, but this is another case of an outdated main source. I can give you five steps to get Wrye Bash setup correctly, but the user wandering off on their own will not see that,
anywhere. Even more than Wrye Bash, the bashed patch requires its own books worth of instructions. I am so glad CorePC add that bash tag quick reference list to the first post. However, a new user would not even know what that was for. Next user questions: "How do I make OMODs?" (sometimes preceded by "How do I install OBMM?") AND, unfortunately, I am now sorely reminded that this part is where the (I am on Vista or Win7) nothing is launching or working or acting properly, "Why is this not working?" series of questions comes up. After that come (or should've come) the ten plus Wrye Bash related questions. If they do not ask, we ask them to post their load order after they post about issues, and see that their load order has not virtually-active plugins or something is misinstalled or the BSAs are not renamed (after another question or two).
#3 Installing and LO: FCOM users absolutely must pay attention to the importance of installation order, load order, archive invalidation, and compatibility issues. There are many long-time users that still trip over these topics. I will not even go into detail about this part, as the FCOM homepage is at least seven pages long, my guide is about seven steps (seven pages), and that no where near covers all of the preparatory reading and questions a new user would need to manage this cleanly.
#4 Testing and Running: A new user lacks any and all background to troubleshoot any issues while running the game, no matter how basic (i.e., mod content not showing up in game, common application closing errors, missing masters, etc.) Every single one of these problems becomes a new question, and a new reason to (unjustly) flame FCOM.
Moving on... I do not understand your comment about Ambient Dungeons. Let's not throw DR in yet. It is not hard to install, but troubleshooting the overhaul setup should be done before adding additional mods. Plus, we all know adding DR incompletely or in the wrong place in your load order is almost guaranteed to to cause some sort of...just forget about that for now. I don't want to rant more. DR is cool, but that's something to try later (if you like gore...)
"What I do like about FCOM is how they add unique stuff, like better enemies and npcs to oblivion." <-- This describes MMMforOOO and most other overhauls that come to mind... Yes, FCOM is the biggest of those overhauls that come to mind, but MMMforOOO comes to mind next for me. If you do not like the other parts of FCOM, MMMforOOO is a huge change on it own.
All right, whew, done... Now, I need to catch up on all the new posts I missed in the troubleshooting threads...