Well first of all these are probably KF questions rather than NIF questions
For 1 You probably don't even need to touch the KF for this. I believe you can edit the animation speed from within the CS for Creatures. Anyways if you want to do it in the KF you would need to change the frequency and ending time values in the Text Keys.
The second one can be tricky ... and a hell lot of work unless you can use blender\3ddmax.
I can't explain it with blender\3dsmax so I will just tell you what to do with nifscope ... its rather tedious but simple ... though I still hope someone can come and explain it to you with better tools.
You need to do the following with every animation of the IMP (walkforward, walkfastforward, idle .. etc. etc.)
- Open the KF in nifscope
- Select the first (top) item in Block List
- Under Block Details expand controlled blocks and select the second bone ... Bip01 Spine0
- Click on the curved blue arrow (see https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_p0qV_N8mdYs/TXHkdARkPzI/AAAAAAAAAGk/eXw_ZBUqkgE/s512/Block%201.JPG).
- You will be transported to the required Transform interpolator.
- Expand it and select the TrasnsformData
- In the block details expand the Translation Keys (see https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_p0qV_N8mdYs/TXHkddNJNZI/AAAAAAAAAGo/RjXZMNZbxQw/s640/Number%202.JPG)
- For ALL of the keys under translation ... you want to increase the Z-value by a constant amount (grab a calculator and add) ... this amount will be how much higher you want the IMPS to fly ... so to make them fly twice as high double the original values.
- Once you do this with all of the transaltion keys (41) save the file and move on to the other animations.
Note: You can actually save yourself a lot of repetitive work by sacrificing some quality.
Seehttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_p0qV_N8mdYs/TXHn0j5bSfI/AAAAAAAAAGw/eFrmjLCw3pI/s640/Save.JPG. For the Spine0 controller ... set numder of keys to 2, Update Array, change the time of the second key to 1.333 (end of animation) ... and set the Z-values to same for both Keys.