
Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:50 pm

No one said they WEREN'T clones of those games. They are all pretty much the same. No one time did anyone say that. You're just attempting to make your invalid point valid by putting words in my mouth that I did not say.
WoW isn't much different than EQ either.

You're implying that by it being a WoW clone it's not worth playing over WoW, or else there's no reason to call it a clone.

I've heard this on the official forums too, and it all boils down to a WoW fan trying to tell everyone the game is not worth playing over WoW by calling it a clone.
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Cody Banks
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:40 am

Damn, I really wanna get this game. Too bad I'm too poor right now.
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Miragel Ginza
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:39 am

You're implying that by it being a WoW clone it's not worth playing over WoW, or else there's no reason to call it a clone.

I've heard this on the official forums too, and it all boils down to a WoW fan trying to tell everyone the game is not worth playing over WoW by calling it a clone.

Sorry, but you're simply wrong and misinformed.
I myself am close to quitting WoW because it's lackluster gameplay and the nostalgia of the "good ole' days" (Vanilla) is running out.
That's exactly why I didn't like Rift. Because it's the same thing. What's your self educated retort on that?
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chirsty aggas
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:07 am

Sorry, but you're simply wrong and misinformed.
I myself am close to quitting WoW because it's lackluster gameplay and the nostalgia of the "good ole' days" (Vanilla) is running out.
That's exactly why I didn't like Rift. Because it's the same thing. What's your self educated retort on that?

You may be tired of MMORPGS then, because, as several have posted, they all have pretty much the same base game play. Same could be said, however, about just about any genre of games. Regardless, I think what ahs upset some folks looking about information about Rift, is that calling it a WoW clone...an MMORPG...isn't very helpful.

I just started Rift. I haven't gotten very far into it yet, but yes, it's a typical Western MMORPG. It looks better than most, and the class system is interesting. Controls do seem WoW like.

I'd say give it a shot if you are a MMORPG fan.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:42 pm

Damn, I really wanna get this game. Too bad I'm too poor right now.

I have to wait now for a new computer, my current one runs it but barely so I'm giving it a break. Luckily I'm patient.

Sorry, but you're simply wrong and misinformed.
I myself am close to quitting WoW because it's lackluster gameplay and the nostalgia of the "good ole' days" (Vanilla) is running out.
That's exactly why I didn't like Rift. Because it's the same thing. What's your self educated retort on that?

It's really not the same thing except in the fact that it's like all other western MMORPGs, like Kjarista said. It's also harder to play than WoW, coming a little closer to Everquest's classic difficulty than WoW's easy mode (not by much but it's still harder); you notice it right away when you can't easily venture off the beaten path.

I'm bored of WoW myself after only 1 year, and that's with a few months off during that year. I wasn't that bored with Rift, and I had more fun with the early levels of Rift that I did with WoW (but not as much fun as the early levels of EQ. I don't think any other game will duplicate that experience). I think it's because Rift's world svcked me in more; WoW's always felt a little alien even in Elwynn Forest. I don't know if it was the graphics that did it or what.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:23 am

Using the same UI as WoW, and the same basic gameplay that every non-korean MMO has, does not make a game a clone.

I really wonder how many people making this claim have played it for any length of time?

Using the same UI as the most popular MMO of all time is a smart move, keeping things familiar to players who more than likely are coming from WoW. It's a tried and true UI.

When WoW gets 4 archetype classes with interchangeable classes within each, gets rid of flying, the awful arena, queueing for dungeons without traveling, gets outdoor puzzles to discover, and rifts and invasions, then it's OK to call Rift a WoW clone. To call it a clone based on it's UI is to say you haven't played it for any appreciable length of time.

(Rift is closer to Warhammer than it is WoW btw)

EDIT: And Rifts are nothing like pre-Cata elemental invasions. In Rift there's actually people out in the world to group with to take them out. In WoW you can travel through an entire zone and never see anyone else, unless it's Dalaran (at the time of the invasions)

I also know about not playing a game for it's graphics. I grew up with text adventures and Pac-Man. But WoW's cartoonish graphics have always bugged me. I seriously dislike anime and seriously dislike the oversized weapons and armor in WoW, as well as the goofy architecture. It's not as bad as playing a korean MMO (I'd rather poke my eyes out than suffer through one of those games again) but Rift's more realistic graphics were a breath of fresh air.

That is exactly what it does. Why would clone be a bad thing? WoW has worked very well for 6 years, the same formula will work on the people that still enjoy wow, but want something darker, and there's a lot of people who want that.
I can tell you from experience, Rift is a WoW clone. That's not a bad thing, it's simply the truth. The reason I got bored with Rift is the exact same reason I got bored with WoW. i'm tired of that formula, nothing against the game, I'm just tired of it.

Rift is a very good game, but it's not for me. And yes, it does some things differently, it has less features than WoW in some regards, it is still a clone. They have looked at WoW and said "This works, let's do this."

You may be tired of MMORPGS then, because, as several have posted, they all have pretty much the same base game play. Same could be said, however, about just about any genre of games. Regardless, I think what ahs upset some folks looking about information about Rift, is that calling it a WoW clone...an MMORPG...isn't very helpful.

I just started Rift. I haven't gotten very far into it yet, but yes, it's a typical Western MMORPG. It looks better than most, and the class system is interesting. Controls do seem WoW like.

I'd say give it a shot if you are a MMORPG fan.

That's not really true, not anymore. Look at DC universe online, look at games like Vindictus. They are MMO's, but they handle things so differently that they are not nearly the same experience. Vindictus at least is wildly different from most MMO's, i haven't played it myself simply because the art style doesn't appeal to me, it seems a bit limited in scope and the very exciting looking combat isn't enough to convince me, even fi the game is free to play.

DCUO is more similar to WoW, but the combat system is completely different and that makes a huge difference. Champions Online is a game I have quite a bit of experience with, it's essentially the same but combat works differently, besides being hotkey based. There's a dedicated button for blocking and you need to be much more active in combat, for example. Pressing a button once will land one punch, pressing that button several times in a row will perform a combo with follow up punches. That's just one basic example of how that game handles things, but despite the familiar interface it is still quite different from WoW in terms of how you fight, which is about 90% of an MMO's content.

Anyway, I'm ranting. WoW's formula is in my opinion outdated. That's why Rift doesn't interest me anymore, i gave it a fair shot and I didn't enjoy it enough to keep playing. I do want to try DCUO at some point, as the combat system looks fresh enough to keep me interested, not to mention that most quests have voiced introductions, with Mark Hamill as the Joker for instance.

SW:ToR looks exciting as well, what I'm trying to get at is that WoW's formula is getting old, I think that is Rift's biggest concern in the long run. If you don't enjoy WoW, you will not enjoy Rift, at least not for long.
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Charlotte Henderson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:10 am

Have you played any of the older popular MMOs Urge? Just wondering. They're all basically clones of each other, but Rift copied WoW's tried-and-true UI vs making their own. It's a smart move; I remember going from DAOC to WoW and having to adjust, and the same was true going from EQ to DAOC. If there was a universally accepted UI it would be great, customized for each game.

Gameplay I'm hearing is closer to Warhammer than WoW, but I haven't played Warhammer. I have played DAOC, the forerunner of Warhammer, though. I can see the similarities. Of course that's because they're all basically the same in the end. Everquest stands out the most from them all for one basic difference: 1st person view. Damn I wish MMORPGs would go back to 1st person view!
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:20 am

That is exactly what it does. Why would clone be a bad thing? WoW has worked very well for 6 years, the same formula will work on the people that still enjoy wow, but want something darker, and there's a lot of people who want that.
I can tell you from experience, Rift is a WoW clone. That's not a bad thing, it's simply the truth. The reason I got bored with Rift is the exact same reason I got bored with WoW. i'm tired of that formula, nothing against the game, I'm just tired of it.

Rift is a very good game, but it's not for me. And yes, it does some things differently, it has less features than WoW in some regards, it is still a clone. They have looked at WoW and said "This works, let's do this."

That's not really true, not anymore. Look at DC universe online, look at games like Vindictus. They are MMO's, but they handle things so differently that they are not nearly the same experience. Vindictus at least is wildly different from most MMO's, i haven't played it myself simply because the art style doesn't appeal to me, it seems a bit limited in scope and the very exciting looking combat isn't enough to convince me, even fi the game is free to play.

DCUO is more similar to WoW, but the combat system is completely different and that makes a huge difference. Champions Online is a game I have quite a bit of experience with, it's essentially the same but combat works differently, besides being hotkey based. There's a dedicated button for blocking and you need to be much more active in combat, for example. Pressing a button once will land one punch, pressing that button several times in a row will perform a combo with follow up punches. That's just one basic example of how that game handles things, but despite the familiar interface it is still quite different from WoW in terms of how you fight, which is about 90% of an MMO's content.

Anyway, I'm ranting. WoW's formula is in my opinion outdated. That's why Rift doesn't interest me anymore, i gave it a fair shot and I didn't enjoy it enough to keep playing. I do want to try DCUO at some point, as the combat system looks fresh enough to keep me interested, not to mention that most quests have voiced introductions, with Mark Hamill as the Joker for instance.

SW:ToR looks exciting as well, what I'm trying to get at is that WoW's formula is getting old, I think that is Rift's biggest concern in the long run. If you don't enjoy WoW, you will not enjoy Rift, at least not for long.

Curious that you mentioned games that aren't high fantasy, and Vindictus is an instanced hack and slash from what I've read which means it's not a MMO (btw Guild Wars isn't a MMO either).

Pirates of the Burning Sea is a fun MMO that might interest you that's nowhere near the classic high fantasy formula. It's free to play and is a true MMO with only occasional instancing.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:12 am

Curious that you mentioned games that aren't high fantasy, and Vindictus is an instanced hack and slash from what I've read which means it's not a MMO (btw Guild Wars isn't a MMO either).

Pirates of the Burning Sea is a fun MMO that might interest you that's nowhere near the classic high fantasy formula. It's free to play and is a true MMO with only occasional instancing.

I'm not really trying to argue against you, all I'm saying is that Rift is a WoW clone, where WoW took Everquests' formula and refined it Rift has basically copied WoW in every respect, there are differences but the playing experience is the same. It's like cloning a person, they will be the same genetically but their environments will shape them to be different people, and yes, i stole that anology from TotalBiscuit before anyone gets on me for that :P

Anyway, i'll look into PotBS, that sounds interesting, so thanks for that.

As an afterthough, i don't see how the game being high fantasy or not really matters, but I think I've played my part here. I posted a fairly long post about what I thought of Rift and repeating myself is pretty pointless.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:26 am

Well the ones you mentioned aren't high fantasy, so maybe it's the setting that you're bored of. That's why I mentioned PotBS.
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Claire Jackson
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