Holy [censored]
What if this
Forged in god's very flames
Do mine eyes
Tell me lies
A new Elder Scrolls game
Time is nigh
I must fly
Venture forth on my quest
Goodbye ma
Goodbye pa
And goodbye girlfriend's breats
I'll be off, Azaroth
Catch you later, Hyrule
I'll be gone, Albion
I'm no longer your fool
Other crap filled the gap
While I waited to begin
The adventure of my life
In the land of SKYRIM
I'll never understand how posting lines of dialogue (or lyrics from a song) in the comments section on Youtube (and here apparently) has become an accepted way to express your approval of a video, very often even becoming highest rated comments. To me it's like eating a tasty sandwich, yelling the ingredients at the top of your lungs, and suddenly getting a round of applause from everyone in the restaurant.
Sorry, it just bugs me. :shrug: