Yes, we understand what you're saying. Now understand what I'm saying: NPCs must be programmed to do anything the developers want them to do. They are not real people the developers can simply tell "Go read this and see if it's any good." The devs would have to program (or obtain middleware) spell checkers and grammar checkers to check the stories, and those still can't evaluate "is it good/is it bad" leaving even more complex coding to do, image recognition software for the paintings, and ultimately this would take longer and require more resources than the game itself. You're talking probably a $500+ price tag, and release pushed back to around 2013.
This. Npc's cant have opinions, they're not that smart. They have to be programmed. In game actions can be predicted, thus allowing programmers to work that into the ncps. But in game text? There's no way to predict all the possible stories one could write. They're opinion would have to be completely and utterly random, it would have to be an insainly huge program with an equally large price tag for it to not only look at works of art and literature, but be able to deturming if the story is good or not. The intro, character development, the plot, the climix, and the conclusion...the ai would have to have human level or at least near human level brain power to be able to come up with a responce on if the book was good or not.
However, a randomly generated opinion for works of art I could let slide. I've seen a simple green square regarded as a work of art, so who on tamriel can tell what is and isnt good anymore.