» Fri May 27, 2011 7:14 am
I assume by "melee", combat was meant. The reason I voted for that, is because you advance the most rapidly doing things you normally do walking around Vaardenfell, getting harassed by baddies and completing quests. Of all the types of spells, only Destruction really levels up as quick, since most other spells involve a significant duration or cannot be spammed for other reasons. (This is why I voted for Destr in the Magicka poll!) Sneak seems awkward for me to use, and most of the others are only used in certain situations. How many locks are there to be picked, or soul gems to fill, compared to the swarm of cliff racers darkening the sky over MW?
So, with my combat skills, I get more mileage per hour spent walking around, to me that is more fun I guess. (And, of course . . . YMMV)