Idea for a Betrayer Quest

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:18 am


Okay, basically, a local hunter uncovered a ruin that seemed to have many secret treasures. (due to not being found or opened by others) He allowed the mages guild to open the cave, and extract the treasure as long as he got a third of the profit and the credit for discovering the ruin. The mages of the guild quickly learned that they needed brute force and stealthy rouges to get past the ruin's many puzzles, traps, monsters, and passageways. One of every of the 3 groups hired you to work for them - the "warrior" and "rogue" groups wanting the treasure for themselves. (you don't know this yet) Then, at the last entryway with a gold door, there is a riddle.

The riddle basically states the wrong doing of betraying friends, and warns the group that will uncover the riddle will be betrayed. (aka the mages)

Finally, The warriors "guard the entrances to the passageway" then when they are all in position say, "Nobody move or you'll all die, now, How do we get into that door?"

The player now has a choice: to attack the warriors, and do the same thing they did with the rogue group, join the warriors, or help the mages preserve the knowledge of this ruin.

The player sees the hunter that first found it and the hunter starts conversation:

"I'm glad you didn't betray anyone. Now I will reveal my true identity."
"I am a preacher of the god he teaches to not betray."
"So now, I give you this, I hope it helps you on your travels."

If you side with the mages:
Unique item
1000 gold
2 fame
If sided with the Rogues:
You get enchanted gear but LESS gold
-1 fame
If sided with the Warriors
You get less enchanted gear but MORE gold
-1 fame

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