Am about to install bunch of sound overhauls like Sounds and Storms 3.0, Symphony of Violence, Ambient Town Sounds etc. Should I tag them with import sound in Bashed Patch when rebuilding?
Dude, where have you been? BOSS takes care of those. You are fine installing all of them and just letting BOSS do its thing. Check them in the Bashed Patch where, and if, they appear.
Thanks. Asked because noticed some are not tagged at all. And today Corepc explained Shivering OOO which is not covered by BOSS. And, I thought - every little helps and asked.
Thanks. Asked because noticed some are not tagged at all. And today Corepc explained Shivering OOO which is not covered by BOSS. And, I thought - every little helps and asked.
FCOM stuff is always being updated though, haha...