I thank you both for replying, and thankfully what Pluto suggested was what solved my problems... It had been a loooong time since I had cleaned off that CD and after I got it re-installed, as well as copy pasting the Bloodmoon stuff everything has been just fine... Well except for one thing thats only minor... When Im on Solsthiem I run into a error that reads Textures\Tx_Sky_Blizzard.tga is not functioning. Continue Running Executable? If I hit no, Morrowind closes but if I hit yes, It continues running jut fine until the warning pops up again... All in all its not more than a passing annoyance, but if somebody knows how to fix it thatd be nice.
I had this before on Vista. I wrote something about it in some other threads... Here we go.
I finally did find the solution by checking both inis in Windows Vista. Vista actually has a little secret folder called "compatibilities folder" where it likes to stash most recent saves and, of all things, an extra morrowind ini. That happens to be the primary ini for the game. I opened it up and realized it was missing things from the other ini you normally see in your data files, like the blizzard and snow weather. So I had to copy and paste them in, and it works fine. I'll make you a mini guide:
Step 1: Go to my computer, C drive, program files x86, Bethseda, Morrowind, and click "Morrowind" configuration settings (it should come up in notepad). This is the ini you'll be copying from if you installed Bloodmoon.
Step 2: Minimize the first ini. If you look at the organize bar on the my computer/morrowind screen, you'll notice a folder that says "combatability files". Click it, and you'll see a very different layout. This is also where all those recent saves you can't always find on the normal screen are, if you ever need to delete some. Anyway, you'll want to click this one's morrowind configuration settings (ini). It should also open up in a new notepad.
Step 3: Okay, minimize the my computer screen and bring up the first morrowind ini, moving the borders of the application so you can put up the other ini side by side (the reason I say you should open the first one up first is so that you don't get confused). Click one of the notepads and press control+f and put in (weather snow) without parenthesis (it should be under an archives line). One of them will not have that, so, using the same search method (control f), find it in the other ini and copy and paste. Do the same with (weather blizzard). In addition, if you are missing the archives line as well, you can add that in as well (as Bloodmoon has updates Tribunal doesn't). Here's the order if you want to make sure it loads in the right order:
Archive 0=Tribunal.bsa
Archive 1=Bloodmoon.bsa
This isn't really necessary as far as I can tell, but if you load a lot of mods, some of them will conflict if not loaded in a certain order. Likely you won't need it, but I did just in case.
Go ahead and load up a Bloodmoon save and see if you have anymore problems.

Good luck,
Silver Dreamer