I did understand hence the "btw"
I've seen and heard enough of FO3 and of the new game to know without a doubt that Skyrim will crush OB in every way.
Fits the definition of exaggeration quite well.
Development of Oblivion began in 2001 and Havok was born in 2002. Any advancements made to Havok in 2004-6 (which was hardly anything at all) couldn't be applied to OB anyway. Same situation here.
Never said it shouldn't have DX11, i said it doesn't need it and it doesn't.
I've seen and heard enough of FO3 and of the new game to know without a doubt that Skyrim will crush OB in every way.
Fits the definition of exaggeration quite well.
Development of Oblivion began in 2001 and Havok was born in 2002. Any advancements made to Havok in 2004-6 (which was hardly anything at all) couldn't be applied to OB anyway. Same situation here.
Never said it shouldn't have DX11, i said it doesn't need it and it doesn't.
It doesn't need it in the same way oblivion didn't need distant land, or face modeling. Sure, it doesn't make the game immediately better, but it adds a lot to immersion, and isn't that what these games are all about?
And, again, you can't use FO3 as an example of why skyrim will be better "In every way". Every way is a *lot* of ways. Things you preferred in FO3 may simply have been design decisions that bethesda felt fitted Fallout better, for example. And the oft-quoted "new engine" means you can't use any technical advancements FO3 made as a basis for saying skyrim will be better either, because their codebases are unrelated.
I take your statements to their extreme so you can understand how ridiculous the very concept of not using something better because what we currently have does the job is, especially when the two methods are not mutually exclusive and the better method is not incredibly difficult to implement.
Just like Havok in 2002 was not a new technology, because physical simulation had been done for a long time and the theories and implementations were very solid, tessellation is not a new technology today, because the theory and implementations are solid, and have been for many years. Gaming is not the forefront of computer graphics, it lags very far behind, because each frame has 1/60th of a second to render. If you can take 60 seconds to render a frame on older hardware it'll still look the same, you just can't use it for gaming. Hardware evolves, but software is perpetually in front of it.