» Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:20 pm
I believe there's still a small compass visible at the top even when outside of combat, Todd Howard mentioned it in the podcast, but otherwise, it's as has been said. The other HUD elements are shown when they're needed, and dissappear when they're not. I'd assume that aside from in combat, the health, magicka and stamina bars are also shown if they're reduced outside of combat, like if you hurt yourself falling or if you cast a spell outside of combat.
To look at your gold, I'd assume that, like in past games, you can see it whenever you open your inventory, I'd imagine the factions you've joined and such are also shown under their appropriate menus. After all, Bethesda may have made the HUD elements only appear when needed, but that doesn't mean the screens displaying character stats, quests, inventory and such aren't readily available whenever you want them.