You're saying that downloading media is not stealing because it has no physical form? You're stealing the product, end of discussion. If it's worth stealing, it's worth buying. Some people have no morals, I don't know if you do, nor do I care, but that's how it is.
You're basically attempting to say that you think it's ok to illegally download music because an album only has 1 or 2 good songs on it? Ever heard of this thing called iTunes, or some other media purchasing medium, that you can buy songs by the..songs? Not entire albums? You can buy just about any song you want for less than a buck on iTunes. Sounds like a better deal than theft to me.
Where did I say it's ok to steal or download music? Ok, now I see some thing went wrong, and some of what I wanted to say, didn't show up, I editeted it a bit. No where did I say it is ok or it's not ok to do so. So please do not say I have said these things. If I did, please quote it so I can change it.
Please tell me, how is it stealing? Usually when you steal something, you have to physically take it. How are you taking something that is not physical? Also how can you steal something that can be replicated easily over and over and over again?
Morally yes it is wrong. I agree with you there, all I am doing is playing the devils advocate here. Maybe I should have said that the first time. But I would like to know how is it stealing? I had my house and car broken in and physical objects were stolen. CD's were stolen, my stereo was stolen, money was stolen. I can't replace them instantly because we don't have Star Trek replicators.
So how is downloading music stealing? It is no different than what we did years ago, when we borrowed our friends tapes, or cds and copied them to cassettes.