City Design Competition

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:53 am

I hope this is an appropriate place to put this.

Lately, I've had no greater fun than to play around in the CS, building things. And yesterday, I built an entire dity! It was awesome! So, I thought it would be cool to see what sort of interesting cities other people can make in the C.S. So I decided to make a game of it.

Basically, I'm hoping some people will have a go at building an exterior environment (interiors and NPCs would take forever) large scale city (at least the size of Oblivion's cities), can be either walled in or open, and upload images or esps somewhere and link them here, for everyone to see. And then once there is as many made as the poll limit allows (or less if this isn't very popular) I'll make a poll and people can vote for which is the most interesting or immersive or whatever. Your favourite, basically.

-It can be anywhere on the map, and location in relation to other locations in the game is not really relevant or important
-It can be done using any resources you have available
-Try to make it original
-Try to make it feel as much like a real city as possible
-If you upload an ESP for people to see the city in game, please either provide instructions to get there or a map marker set to visible (and not initially disabled) or both

So, basically, I hope this doesn't immediately float down to the back of the forums and we can see some interesting design (I'm sure I can't be the only one who enjoys designing them).
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:53 pm

You may want to speak to Meek about this-- she runs the Challenges over at Oblivion Real Estate. It's mainly homes, but Town Design is still something some of their users are interested in-- she may be able to do a "proper" competition with it, with a judging panel and what not, if she liked the idea :)
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Julia Schwalbe
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:21 am

You may want to speak to Meek about this-- she runs the Challenges over at Oblivion Real Estate. It's mainly homes, but Town Design is still something some of their users are interested in-- she may be able to do a "proper" competition with it, with a judging panel and what not, if she liked the idea :)

That's interesting... I had a look, it sounds like it's exclusively homes though. The things they make are probably things that are actually implemented in the game, whereas that's not really what I'm looking for here (It would take weeks or months to add the NPCs and interiors to an entire city). I don't think they'd be for this sort of thing. I'll probably just keep it a friendly contest over here.

Still, anyone interested in having a go?
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Heather M
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