I think some people are way too quick to self-diagnose mental conditions. People are built differently. It's possible to come across as antisocial and have quirks that people see as odd without having any medical problems. That's just their personality. They aren't necessarily autistic, or OCD, or "Aspies."
I don't disagree, but if you are referencing my post at all, I have never diagnosed myself with Aspergers. I merely thought about it, then forgot about it, because I decided that if I did or didn't have it, I didn't much care. I'm not paying for meds and have no insurance, so there's nothing I could do about
anything I had wrong with me, medical or mental. I do have other odd mental tics, but as I said, I think they are the side product of a mind predisposed to OCD. Now, the OCD, while I've never been to a psychiatrist for it, I am quite certain about. I have an unhealthy fixation on my weight and getting fat, to the point that it
does interfere with my life and self-image. It hasn't gone so far that I have gone into anorexia nervosa or bulimia, but I do find myself saying 'I ought to just not eat for a week.' because I have some part of my brain gnawing away at me that some part of my body is unacceptable. I have managed to keep from acting on it thus far, though. Mostly. It isn't a conscious thing, I have never really paid any attention to celebrities, and the people around me, I couldn't care less how much they weigh. It's a self battering mindset that I can't reign in. I'll get it under control, then happen to look in a mirror and it'll set off again, so I've gotten to where I just don't look in body-length mirrors. Trust me, it isn't 'cool' and I certainly wish I could manage to get it to go away. And I don't suspect anyone here who has Aspergers is trying to portray it as 'cool', either. I'd never portray OCD/BDD as cool, because in living with it, I can assure you it isn't.
The real problem with this all: I'm only 120 lbs, and sometimes drop below it, so I'm a perfectly healthy weight, almost underweight for my height. It's just gnawing, gnawing on my brain. It isn't a passing thing, either. I've had to put up with it for years. That, and darker thoughts that occur to me and just run in repeat in my head and are ...well, at the risk of sounding over-dramatic: tormenting.
Now the extreme aversion to people is mostly just because of the 'noise' thing, really. That, Alaisiagae, while small noises and things like that do bug me and is part of it, there's another layer that's difficult to explain. The nearest I've ever gotten to explaining it was that it's more in my head. I'm extremely sensitive to changes in the electromagnetic field. When storms are coming, I can feel them, and it at times messes with my mood. Some people have extremely 'loud' electromagnetic output. Or something that I'm picking up on. My father is among them. Poor sap can't keep a watch working on his body at all. Speeds up, then it dies. And interestingly enough, I can't stand to be around him long, either. Not so much because of his personality, but the 'energy/noise' he's letting off quickly wears my nerves thin and I have to get away.
Working retail, this is nerve-fraying. There's some people that come through my store that I just cannot
stand. They aren't rude, they've not been demanding, but the energy they let off quickly sends me into a fit of pacing because I can't just get away from them. It's extremely draining, and is half the reason why I hate my job and tend to sit at home and game when I do get a day off. After spending all my work days in public and crowds, I no longer want to go 'out' when I get a day off.
Now, I've never been to a doctor of any sort for any of this, but it does hamper my life quite drastically at times, and I don't see anything hypochondriac about saying so.