So I just got Oblivion for computer (still need a better graphics card..) because I wanted to do mods, and so far I've gotten a few (like lost spires, kvatch rebuilt, darker nights, natural environments, etc.) to work well. I found the Pegasus armor and weapons (full suit, daedric recolored) and felt it was the best armor I've seen yet. However, after downloading it, I can't open it. It's a 7z file, and everytime I try to open it my computer says it's either damaged or an unknown format. Now.. I have no clue what I'm doing, kinda just jumped into all of this, I'm lucky I've gotten any mods to work at all. I was just wondering if someone knew what I was doing wrong, or if there was any way I could get it in another format so that I wouldn't have this problem. OOO did the same thing to me. I even got the free 7z download hoping my comp would recognize the files, and that didn't work.
If anyone knows what to do, that'd be great. Also, if there is any other armor out there I should be aware of, recommendations would be appreciated. I haven't had any luck finding stuff I want, everywhere I turn all i find are half naked cat women in steel bikinis lol. Looking for a half realistic, half fantasy looking armor for males, and (other than the pegasus) just can't find squat.