Oh, I would love to vote in this poll....... if I knew what even half of those attachments are and what they do, lol. (Not a gun-person or a hardcoe FPS'er at all :sweat: .)
I can answer everything else, though.
The only attachment I kind of can guess at is the silencer/suppressor---which I guess allows your gun to be silent? That's really
the only attachment I can recognize. :hehe:
I'm not a gun-geek/enthusiastic, so I wouldn't know which attachments would be good (since I don't know what any of them do, lol). :laugh:
Regarding the other parts of the poll: Fav. Weapon: I usually love to use SMG's or Assault Rifles and occasionally Long Rifles.
Image: Ummmm.....not sure what you are talking about here....Er, Bright! Really, really garishly BRIGHT (colors)!

With maybe military and unique?
Fighting Style: I usually tend to be Pacifist, but if push comes to shove, I can adjust to becoming the Berserker/Mass Murderer--I--I mean, the Fighter.

I voted Pacifist, since I'm usually a healer person in most games that allow Healers/Medics classes. ^_^ Definitely not a Thinker, lol!

It takes me a long time to adjust---I either heal and/or I shoot and gun-butt everyone's faces, sweet and simple. :sweat: Don't like to get too complicated with my action-y games, hee.
Parts of Brink I like?: EVERYTHING, lol. Mostly the artstyle, the bright colors, character customization (love playing dress up with my virtual characters, lol) and the team-aspect and objective-gameplay of the game.
And, of course, SMART.