Fallout 3 - Mothership Zeta introduced a new and formidable enemy - the Aliens.
However, in the years before the war, Humanities goverment already knew, and steps were taken. Ran by the UN until their disbanding, the Xcom organisation, from scattered and hidden bases across the world, fought to prepare for the alien threat discovered during the 2nd world war. When the UN was disbanded, these bases were mothballed, the personnel returning home.
However, one facility at least has survived the Cataclysm.
Hidden deep beneath the capitol wasteland, the Hypnos facility, Research & Development Base for Xcom, still Exists. Birthplace of many of the innovations such as laser and gausse weapons, it waits, still stocked with the equipment and last few breakthroughs of Xcoms' covert fight with the alien foe. But not everything sleeps easy in the darkness within...
This ia a mod designed to create a massive new explorable area beneath DC.
Version 1.0 will contain the Base facility itself, with new weapons, equipment, armors and other items, as well as a few enemies and a few suprises too.
Later versions will hopefully include Several Playable quests, including a number of Anchorage-style simulations revolving around fighting the alien menece, as well as perks and a new companion for the player.
Requirements will be Fallout 3 itself, and All Five DLC's (I mod using GOTY edition Fallout.) Any None-standard Meshs textures and suchlike needed will be included.
the maps for V1 - the base itself - are already up on Nexus - Link: http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11007 -And work should begin fully within then next few weeks, PC permitting (it has issues.)
Anyway, the mod will draw on the 'fight the aliens' genre of games and films, primerally Xcom and Aliens, while giving them the Falloutverse treatment, and any suggestions for stuff that people want me to put in will be appreciated.