» Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:26 pm
Well duh you haven't seen women or children on the Ark! The only cutscenes the showed had to do with battle or warzones. I mean unless you want to see a little toddler get his brain splattered and his mom get blown up, I wouldn't question the lack of women or children. I'm pretty sure no sane person wants that.
Also, if you notice in one of the latest videos, the Resistance guy wearing the Yellow Jacket and helmet said "One hour I'm making breakfast for my children, and the next I get given this gun" so that proves that their are women and children on the Ark. ALSO, think Titanic, when the ship was flooding, all the women and children went on board the lifeboats first. I'm pretty sure the same would apply for the WHOLE WORLD flooding. ALSO!!!1!!1one, why in the world would anyone fight if they have no means of reproduction.