Sharing containers between saves with a .txt file

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:12 am

A concept I've been toying with lately is a sort of co-op play between two different characters, allowing two people who share a computer, or one person's multiple characters to interact with each other. The first, and hopefully simplest idea is a "sharing" chest that would work to transfer items between two different save games.

The concept is that a container would save a list of it's contents to a text file when closed and import them when opened. So if you were to close the container, load a save with a different character and open it, the contents would transfer over, and any changes made would transfer over when you switched back. This would allow you to trade items and share inventories between multiple characters, and if you were to do it with every container in a house create a sort of shared base for the two different players.

If I can pull that off, I was thinking of doing a similar thing with characters, copying over one games characters stats and equipment to sync with a companion npc in the other.

Unfortunately I haven't touched coding since Morrowind though, and I wasn't exactly a savant then either, so I'm pretty lost as to where I should start. I think it should be doable using obse, but before I spend hours playing around with code I don't even half understand I thought I'd ask and find out if it was even possible.

I'd really appreciate any advice or links that people could throw my way, I could really use the help. :)
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:36 pm

Have a look at thread.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:55 am

The potential problem with this is that the stash is likely to cause crashes if your load order changes while you have items in it. The FormID's won't be valid any more if the load order is different. It might be possible to prevent that if there's a way of confirming the same load order before the stash can be activated.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:59 am

Wetblanket, you are a gentlemen and a scholar. How I managed to not find that searching I have no idea, but I probably should have known it was there, no such thing as an original idea when it comes to modding. :)

That did occur to me, I was thinking of just putting in a simple console command to turn off the item loading temporarily, so you could open the chest and re-save the items when you change the load order.

I'll have a look at CMD's mod and see if I can learn from what he's done. Though hopefully he'll find the time to implement the rest of his ideas and save me the trouble. :P
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